Recent content by Wondercrush89

  1. Wondercrush89

    "NuclearGhandi" could be a better fit.

    "NuclearGhandi" could be a better fit.
  2. Wondercrush89

    [BTS] Civ Leader 'Barbarian' appears as Firaxis man

    It's supposed to be a joke, my buddies call him "Bob the Barbarian". It really doesn't have any significance other than silliness and shenanigans.
  3. Wondercrush89

    First Win on Prince

    Good job! Practice on Prince and move up to Monarch, keep on keeping on!
  4. Wondercrush89

    prince suddenly easy for me??

    I agree with an earlier poster, if Prince is too easy kick it up to Monarch for a challenge. Sometimes lessons work under particular circumstances as opposed to overall game play. But you get the chance to fine tune your tactics to higher difficulties.
  5. Wondercrush89

    [BTS] Sitting Bull: Oracle Feudalism?

    Lately I've been practicing using the Oracle to land Feudalism after popping Stonehenge in my capital. Is this ultimately worth doing or is it more efficient to gun for Machinery to get Crossbowman instead? This is from a game on Monarch, triggered Feudalism at 485 BC
  6. Wondercrush89

    Playing CIV 4 BTS (Bug / Bull Mod)with the Roomies. Ghandi Oracled Theology for Apostolic Palace...

    Playing CIV 4 BTS (Bug / Bull Mod)with the Roomies. Ghandi Oracled Theology for Apostolic Palace w/ Stonehenge in capital.
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