Recent content by Xenonite

  1. X

    Funniest Pictures Thread XXX ... +1.

    New and revised for sensitive eyes. No longer inappropriate content, but still seriously unfunny, and trolling the thread. You knew nobody else would be amused. Step up your game.
  2. X

    Current Resident status

    By your admittedly primitive standards, we have very powerful translation software. From what we have determined, Earthling computers can't even translate one Earthling language to another in a reliable way. And they all communicate with each other the same two ways: vibrating the air and...
  3. X

    Funniest Pictures Thread XXX ... +1.

    image deleted
  4. X

    Current Resident status

    Well, there are intelligent, sexually reproducing creatures that vaguely resemble Earth felines on Vebulon-2. They have a six-nucleotide genetic code though, and their gametes are fertilized outside the body, so I'm not sure if you're interested. Also, the planet's average temperature is 50...
  5. X

    Current Resident status

    Greetings Earthlings, I am Squignu of Xiffto, a small but powerful world orbiting a class K star not far from where you have landed. I am here to inform you that you are in territory owned by the Xifftonian Empire. Your immigration is permitted provided you pay taxes, preferably in xenomass...
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