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  • Gaelic is a Celtic Goidelic language! Norse is Germanic! yet there's a lot of loanwords between one and the other. One obvious example is 'rannsaigh'. Have a guess what it means.
    Of course, given that the current public attitude is/was that you have to be leftwing and/or religiously motivated to be an extremist.

    I speaks the Gaelic! (not very well, but with a good dicitonary I can make sense out of a text after a while -we're starting on the book of Genesis soon!)

    Mojority. Clearly not a typo there. Ah-ha!
    Eeek! 87 dead, I only knew about the bombing, not the shootout. wtf? :faint:

    Unilingual Brits? Lolwut? I am a nearly-trilingual person y'know. Besides, who wants to discuss Alan Partridge? The lack of success in your social group clearly points to CFCian non-interest in the man.
    Snerkr, my holidays are bearing fruit and I'm already writing something on the ascension of Jarl Plotínur! It's a nefarious Plot!

    I hope you weren't in Oslo today.

    btw why are you and Olav speaking in non-Norwegian? Really we have to overthrow the tyranny of English-speaking!
    No, the main reason was just to visit Normandy. It was just a bonus that the Tour went through the region at that time. :) I can strongly recommend Normandy btw, they know how to make their food!
    It's all over the news, can't turn on the Tv without running into silly weddings. Also, there was a 'best dressed/coiffeured/etc. celebrities&royalty' section in a local newspaper. You Norwegians and the Swedes have a decent idea of what a princess should look like. Why does the silly House of Windsor have to saddle us with *ugh* prince Charles and Princess Anne? :cringe:

    The Tak is studying to be a translator/interpreter in Spanish/English (officially, but if you show the title and a piece of paper showing you can speak another language you're in anyway). And given that there's not many of us I've have odd subjects in cosy timeslots such as 8:30 a.m. Saturdays, 6:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m. Saturdays, 7:00-8:30 a.m. Mondays, etc. etc. :suicide: here's hoping for a normal timeslot for next term.
    Ah, the June/July examination craze is over.

    I've been watching teh Monaco wedding. Your Princess Mette Marit looks a lot like Amy Poehler!
    Means that for a real saga I'll have to branch out and include a few dozen more characters.

    Can I amputate your hand and get you a bionic one installed?
    I've been thinking. Would this be the real saga of the CivFanátiks? Or just the saga of some of them? We must write about more of them.
    How's the hand?
    Buenos Aires is friggan' cold! We got down to 0ºC and yesterday as River Plate was relegated we had a rampage with car burning, looting, several dozens of wounded, etc. etc.
    Why didn't you post it? :shake:

    Not quite gratz yet, I have to re-take the last one next Caturday :(. How's Snoreway?
    There it is!

    btw one exam away from freedom (assuming I pass). Must-write-about-Vikings… *seizes battle-axe* Rrrraaaagaghhhh!!!!
    Maybe he had a plan to organise a bear cavalry corps?

    People want me to change my avatar. I am a VIKING! Vikings ðo NOT change avatars!
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