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  • So the whole thing smacks more a cynical business maneuver than anything to do with freedom of information?
    Nifty, I read Xinhua (admittedly the English version) as part of my job. So I'm well aware of what Chinese media outlets can get up to. Honestly, its not markedly different from the rest of Asia even tens years ago (and some parts still Vietnam et. al) so I'm not all that bothered. And the silence would seem to follow established patterns for Chinese media right?

    How's the situation on the ground? I'm guessing there hasn't been that much of a difference.
    I just made up the second verse:
    The Chinese new year is approaching, it would be so cool if you paste it on your door as the spring couplet.:cool:
    Oops, that's the second major mistake I made today in the forums.
    Anyway, I laughed my balls out. Seriously it was funny, considering he wrote it using 毛笔。
    A friend gave me poem, which he wrote in calligraphy;
    Well, i bet you will definitely get a surprise when you get to know who exactly I am, but as now, I'll pass for businessman.
    ugh...Thx...I only saw the gory pictures a few times...never read about the reasons though...i think it was due to economic discontent?
    No sense in talking to nationalists,huh?
    I'm quitting the thread; I wrote so much, yet I think he missed the points.
    vesley, did I sound offending to eoc? Cause he keeps getting offended, making me wonder if I was iirational too, just that I couldnt see it.
    Crap, PPOPurple in almost a Leninist in thought!
    Simply I cant agree with an ideology where a human utopia can be obtained by discarding humanism entirely...but PPOPurple seems to advocate it.
    I've figured out how to destroy someone's sanity. All you need to do is mix one part EOC, with an equal part of PPO Purple, then leave to simmer and serve steaming. :D
    I think it should be called in Korean 보영증 , which is Bo Young Jung.
    It would be weird in Korea for someone to have a surname of Bo; first time I ever heard of one.
    In Chinese (the method of transliterating Chinese into Korean is called 訓讀, 훈독) I think should be something like 普/寶 瑛增(?); personally thinks its a rare surname and as wellas being a rare first name...
    Seriously, we should get eoc involved in this one; I really want my fellow Koreans to stop being a 井底之蛙;eoc's agressive attacks on Korean nationalism might help a lot on this one.
    Besides it would great to read.:)
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