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  • Twould be good of Spain (and for Spain) to sign the Rome Economic Pact. Tis on the thread as you will (or soon will) be undoubtedly aware.
    Another story question: Would my civilization have access to alcoholic beverages at this point in history?
    Hmm, a bit longer than I thought. No matter, I envisioned the Leth as having longer lifespans than humans anyway. :p
    Hiya Milarqui. I'm considering having recurring characters in my stories for MilarNES, and I was wondering: how long a period of time do the updates cover?
    you interested in us shooting you ideas for NPCs- especially NPCs in the region which are comparatively empty? (like india and the americas?) I can send you a whole bunch of ideas i've had and you can maybe pick a handful or two to populate your world (if you want to).

    Anyway- i'll leave it to you.
    Really enjoying your NES; excellent first update. I'm looking forward to actually getting going and kicking some but.
    The reason my people have a 6 in Air Force is because they are literally winged people. They have less than no desire to sail on rivers because they could simply fly over them. When I saw thomas's stats I assumed that Air Force getting numbers was fine, so I put my dice there. Just because one has access to the bodies of water does not mean they are naturally going to be seafaring, and also, I'm almost positive that Babylon never had a navy of any shape or form. I can change the sizes of my people, but flight is a very important concept for my race. And it's not as if I'm asking for vehicles or anything to fly in, it's just that my people can literally fly. Is that acceptable?
    If you're concerned about unique units, make sure to check what I posted in the Commonwealth group some time ago.
    Just browsing your NES when I found this beauty.

    "Name: This is how your character is called, and your own nickname. You are welcome to call your character however you want, as long as it fits your nation."

    I think you might want to change that.

    EDIT: Realized what it MIGHT have meant, but it was still really confusing. I think it is just my fever speaking. :3
    I will share everything with the dominions and we can maybe produce an aircraft carrier when there's enough money to be spared. But could you remove that diplo? it's a little embarrassing when we haven't technically had the arms restrictions waived yet.
    Debí haber escrito la historia completa. Se supone que tiene unos 22 años y estando borracho decide suicidarse, porque el emperador está acabando con la cultura que ha aprendido a amar.

    Verás, resulta que Japón se abrió al mundo en 1854. Un oficial de marina se enamora de una joven del clan Honda y se la lleva a America, donde tienen a John. El padre muere en la Guerra de Secesión y lo unico que les queda es su pistola Colt M1861 Navy. Al fin de la guerra, marchan para Japón, pero la madre enferma por el camino y muere a los pocos meses de llegar. Los Honda lo reciben con respeto aunque en realidad lo desprecian por su condición, pero él se sobrepone y se entrena en el Bushido durante el resto de su vida, hasta que el emperador Meiji prohíbe el daisho, lo que le consterna, pues él ha llegado a admirar y mitificar el estilo de vida samurái, se emborracha y precipitadamente decide acabar con su vida. Lo cual ve que es un error, pero como no hay vuelta atrás...
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