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  • Hey, do you by some miracle have the documents for the Star Wars Mafia II game we never hosted? I can't find them anywhere, and I want to look over them for NSP3.

    I miss the old pre-Facebook feature YouTube had, with up to five stars being awarded by individual users.
    If I could upvote your posts, I would give you as many points as possible for that LotR reference. I can just see Sean Bean there.
    The answer is 'because the Romans don't come bearing gifts like the Easter Bunny'.

    Oh, I plan to. And actually, I stopped posting in serial threads some time back exactly because I resent losing that post count (and the posts themselves).
    It's nice to have confirmation. It fluctuated so much during and after my being on staff (I lost a lot of postcount due to no longer having access to the staff forum - probably many hundreds, although I can't be sure), and I'd periodically lose the count for whatever got posted in the serial threads.

    It's nice to reach another milestone, though. :)
    Is it finally? YAY! :D

    Thank you for reminding me - I'd noticed it was getting near that point, but due to holiday fatigue (Doctor Who marathon on TV = not much sleep), I hadn't been paying attention. :)
    You should probably PM the people who voted in the poll without posting in the thread. Something simple like "sign up or I will murder you," nothing too pushy.
    Make that poll. I'm dying in anticipation to find out the secret. Is it that embarrassing picture of me at the Christmas party?
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