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  • As you can see from the Yugoslavian response the Mexicans are independent from COPE activity in regards to the bombing. We are hoping they are bluffing but we fear we may have allowed a agent of chaos into COPE, what with their "liberty and equality" candidate who will be a offense against the Gethic Hand.

    COPE is more than a defensive alliance but a full on alliance of orderly and peaceful nations, including the Central Asian Republic, Yugoslavia and Germany. Mexico's membership is alas a premature judgement on Vancore's part and thus will need revision. We have still to decide the full consitutional order of things as we are still debating on whether to have a general secretary or not. We suggest you join as a means of increasing security.

    Would you keep what you read covert? We would suggest you register for membership.
    We understand your attitude towards our ally; Mexico is indeed playing a embarrassing game we confess. We hope though you give plenty of chance for Mexican citizens to convert to Australian citizenship for order's sake. Mexico needs to learn.

    In other news like to join the C.O.P.E?
    There is no IOTer named Civ'ed
    He never played any IOTs and never ran any.
    Remember the part of the deal with the Gethic Hand in supporting our claims in return we help support you? Texas has decided to not respect our claims. This (NPC) nation must know that the Gethic stand not alone. Go forth to see for yourself. If possible: could we please ask you kindly to support our claimants to the likes of Wyoming? Texas does not border it anyrate and Cascadia respects our claims. Hence you must help us shown down a rouge state without having to respond to its naked aggression.
    "NinjaCow64: I wouldn't want to worship a god who turns atheists into horses and make them race in hellish landscapes."

    I'm guessing you learned of The Zoo Race.
    *makes strange wheesing noises*

    Like I can't even with that song. I'm just done. Like all their songs make no sense and they are dumb and stupid.
    Listening to a bad song is one way to cheer up. You may feel like crap but you won't be as crap as the song your listening to. Case in point: Trout Mask Replica.
    don't fall for his political deceptions good sir! Or at least I would appreciate it if you could pass them by me so I can sift through whats going on for political skulduggery.
    You should oppose the emergency powers proposal in Lighthearters RP. Indefinite powers to Sone is a bad idea, even if he is trying to sweeten the deal by putting you in the military advisory position. ;) Also, would you be ok with the IMWP and myself as newly minted independent merging into the Ravusian Militarist Party (RMP), it would help us both I think. :p
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