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  • why were you unceremoniously ripped away from us for a week
    I can tell you tomorrow on fiftychat (gonna sleep now)
    stop edging me you sexy minx
    sorry I was away playing video games
    please come back
    Lohrius matematicus!

    Hvordan blir fremgangsmåten for lg likningen: 7^x - 2 * 7^-x = 1 ?
    Det er lettere å bare løse ligninga enn å forklare framgangsmåten, så her er det:
    men basically må du regne ut logaritmen for å få x ned fra eksponenten, samt substituere y for 7^x

    om det er noe du lurer på er det bare å spørre
    supert, takk! luktet på løsningen men fikk ikke alt til å stemme før jeg så hvordan du gjorde det.

    stay tuned!
    Hey how have you been
    No worries, I was confused at first about what this new commenting system was like too.

    I'm alright, had a good trip, back to the doldrums now. I think for me the big issue is approaching a wall in how many trips I can take because of money.
    Maybe if you continue to feel a bit better as the meds kick in you'll be able to focus on a few things and accomplish them. They can take weeks to get to full effect. Start small. I finally started attacking my room the other day (it is such a mess the floor isn't even like visible anywhere) and while it's still a mess, I've done a little bit every week to the point where I can seem some floor now.
    lol. Not a very high bar but progress is progress.
    Man, I think you've just posted something on CFC that is more appropriate and less infractable on 50chat than here.
    Some communist claim it's not, or shouldn't be, in the sense that it should reject any sort of political program based around control of a capitalist state. The French use the term "ultra-left", which has been catching on in the English-speaking world lately, to describe this sort of politics.
    Sorry, yeah, meant to get back to that! Basically, I think both the right and left are both fundamentally capitalist in orientation, and that the differences lie in how they think capitalism should be managed. "Left" and "right" are differences of opinion within the limits of capitalist politics, however profound, disagreements about how a capitalist society should be organised and how a capitalist state should behave. Even at their most extreme, the disagreements are about the sorts of legal and political structures that should be in place, not about the fundamental logic on which society is organised, namely, the wage-system, which finds unconditional support from Thatcher to Mao. I'm not going to go full ultra-left and say that these differences are inconsequential, but there differences within certain hard limits.

    I haven't been on Fiftychat in weeks. Dunno. It can be an intense chatroom sometimes. I guess I prefer to just shoot the sh1t more. Some of the debates get heated, and while there is no ill will or anything, forum debates/arguments are already anxiety inducing enough for me as it is, and they aren't live like a chatroom is.

    Anyways, nah the referendum opinions wouldn't do that. I mean neither of us are even from there in the first place heh.
    I think the walks and talks will help. Hopefully! Walks aren't a magic bullet but they can be nice some days. I just go for an hour and listen to music and clear my head a bit.

    Uni is what it is. One year doesn't completely sink your opportunities with it and life is decades more than your time in college.

    I totally get the bored thing. I've been working really hard to force myself to do something if I start slipping. I don't always do so. But especially if I can do like a competitive video game or something with other people where I really have to concentrate, it can do wonders.

    I'm alright. Work has been a bit stressful lately but I've got a trip to Asia to look forward to in September. Some things are better than I would think, some worse. Some days I just wish I could win the lottery and not have to worry about money.
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