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  • It looks like i would have to reinstall the game to try those saves because nothing seems to work. Thank you for your help.
    For some reason I can't download the save files correctly with Internet Explorer, but Google Chrome works just fine.
    Hmm, I've downloaded and opened all 3 of my saves from that thread and they all opened up ok, so the save files aren't damaged.
    Those old save files that I posted in "Fantastic Starts Thread" won't work without Buffy-3.19.003 specifically.
    Maybe you have a really old version of BUFFY if it is under 5 million bytes? My Buffy 004b has a CvGameCoreDLL.dll of 5,435,392 bytes.
    Maybe ask for help in the Civ 4 HOF forums? My Buffy 003 mod folder's CvGameCoreDLL.dll file has 5,390,336 bytes.
    Could you please check it up? Perhaps I have screwed up something and deleted that unmodded file. Thank you
    I have that mod and it works fine. There might be a problem with civgamecore.dll file because I also have bug mod in my setup. Someone has pointed that problem in the thread and recommended using original unmodded dll file. The problem is it doesn't work. My original civgamecore.dll file is dated 2009 05 14, sized 4949 304bytes.
    Hallo sir! I have just come upon this thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/the-awesome-starts-collection.453446. There are many great maps there but I can't open any of your saves, apparently because of some restriction concerning a dll file or whatever. Could you please send me a proper file( files) to play your saves? My email: lionn771@yahoo.co.uk. Thank You!
    Missing .dll?
    Hmm, I think you need to have the Civ 4 Hall of Fame Mod installed to open my saves from that thread.

    Try downloading Buffy .003 and installing it and you should be able to open those saves.
    If you still have trouble, let me know.

    Buffy 003 is available here:
    You genius. I wondered why you didn't answer, and now see, that you answered on your profile! Hard to believe I need to explain the forum to somebody that was a grandmaster before I began playing CIV, but: A person writes to your profile Kaitzilla, you answer on his profile, like that he gets a notification of the answer and again can answer on your profile. Should you or somebody else ever be interested in the communication, he can click the button called "view Conversation" . You completely wreck the forum with your forum-n00bishness Kaitzilla ^^

    But don't worry, I made the same fault when Tachy first wrote to my profile, and she made the same drama I did now, I only learned from the best ^^ .
    WastinTime is participating in SGOTM22 on anti-TSR.

    Not sure about Pangaea.

    I'm over in Stories and Tales right now trying to beat a gigantic map on Giant Earth Map Mod.
    Nice to see you're still active on CFC :) .

    Do you know anything of WastinTime or Pangaea ?
    Thanks for the link Cutlass :)

    I was nodding my head until The Singularity was mentioned.
    Then the OP lost me!
    That's ok.

    I'm a big fan of "less words the better" and don't like having a signature.

    Terse, laconic, I don't want any distractions when I post something. :crazyeye:

    @Soundjata - Ya, they really ought to sell Ponyzillas in the store :)
    papa tu connais le cheval? Moi je veux Kaitzilla. papa je peux ecouter Kaitzilla. papa Kaitzilla papa...
    I'm fine as much I can have. Just no more time for intense civ. I am officially a lurker now.

    Kaitzilla, you shouldn't edit your preference on your visitor message panel. No one will see. Signatures are there for that purpose.
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