15cm sIG33 (Sfl) auf PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf M

15cm sIG33 (Sfl) auf PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf M 2019-02-03

The Grille (German: "cricket") was a series of self propelled artillery vehicles used by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Grille series was based on the Czech Panzer 38(t) tank chassis and used a 15 cm sIG 33 infantry gun.

The second Grille variant was based on the Ausf. M chassis which was specifically designed for self-propelled mounts. The engine was relocated to the center of the vehicle, permitting the gun to be mounted at the rear. The fighting compartment at the rear of the vehicle was somewhat smaller and higher than in the previous version. The main gun was also the 15 cm schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33.

From December 1943 to September 1944 a total of 162 vehicles were produced. Further 17 vehicles were built in 1945 for an overall production of 179. The official designation was 15 cm Schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33/1 auf Selbstfahrlafette 38(t) (Sf) Ausf. M (Sd.Kfz. 138/1)
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