Historical Background
The Roman Empire entered a period of crisis during the 3rd century, probably due to the enriching of the Provinces and the resulting corruption of local power which demanded a weak and short reigning Emperor to maintain that awful status-quo. Aurelian defeated the foes of Rome and Diocletian restructured the Empire, turning it into a Dyarchic goverment-power divided into two with each Emperor giving his main military duties to junior collegues who had their own military capitals close to the frontiers. Constantine changed all that again leaving himself as the only ruler of the Roman Empire.
All these changes did not eliminate provincial corruption.
Units and Other Game Changes:
Sapper units are destroyed after attacking, the Vicar, not to be confused with the Christian Vicars of today but the name for a sub-provincial governor, plays the role of Spy, I have cranked up the attack/defense strength of certain units to make a more dynamic game. Also some city improvements cost a lot to build and to maintain, just as it was in reality.
Essentially you will quickly find out the quailities of each unit type,
The graphics originate from various sources, some of the units I created from scratch, some were edited from another source and others are directly taken from other sources without changes-the MRP signature is mine. The Border graphic says Hoc Vince (with this conquer) the phrase Constantine saw in Cisalpine Gaul. The railroad has been utilised into the classic Roman Road. The Slave Camp graphic replaces the Airbase, used for hills to produce and extra unit of food, just as in reality the presence of Slave Camps outlying a Metropolis boosted the resources of the Metropolis itself, they can be built by Serfs using the 'e' command. Pollution should not be a major factor in this scenario, but if you are playing the Western Dyarchy you will find the city of Rome rife with disease which, if not remideed by the building of Hospitals, could result in the appearance of Plagued areas nearby. The fortress graphic is meant to represent the Roman style of fortress building. The banners (flags) I designed, as the flag form we use today was not used then. The People graphic is my own creation, designed to be as authentic to the 4th century Roman world as posssible. Some of the wonders graphics I made as well as the Harp (Lyre) graphic which replaces the normal Luxury graphic, and the Hammer replaces the Shield graphic, the Dagger replaces the Corruption graphic, the pile of waste replaces the black shield waste graphic and the hand with a money bag replaces the normal trade arrow graphic. The Rotting head (symbolise spread of Plague) replaces the pollution graphic and the opening book replaces the beaker graphic. The Framland graphic I made, showing Cypress and Olive trees.
The reason why there is a mixture of bmp and gif files is that originally I had used a demo version of Paint Shop Pro, but when it expired (and it forbids you to re-download it) I went to using Microsoft Paint, saving them as 256 bmp files, they should work withour any problems.
The scenario is aimed for play by the Romans of Constantine, but you can play the other civs as well:
The troops of Constantine hailed him as Emperor of the west, whither through bribery or honest faith. He must move swiftly to capture Gaul-keeping the Germans at bay-, Hispania, Africa and Italia. Then Pannonia, Thrace, Achea, Anatolia, Syria and Egypt. Then the city of New Rome-Constantinople must be built and embellished. Quite a challenge to meet in the space of 189 turns!
When you capture Augusta Trev. Build the Aula Palatina in it.
When you capture Roma build the church of St. Peter and the Statue of Constantine in it.
When you build New Rome/Constantinople build the Hippodrome, Nicean Creed, Church of the Apostles and the Column of Constantine in it.
Western Dyarchy
Maxentius has usurped the throne of the Western Dyarchy, can he rule wisely or will he fall under the feet of Constantine's troops? Your aim should be to eliminate Constantine as soon as possible before turning against the Germans. Keep peace with the Eastern Dyarchy and enjoy the fruits of Trade.
Eastern Dyarchy
Licinius came to the throne of the Eastern Dyarchy legally, but that will make no differance to Constantine! Keep peace with the Western Dyarchy and fight of the Persians and Germans. You may find Constantine on your borders...
Ever since Ardashir rebelled against the Parthian (Turkoman) rulers of Iran in 224AD the Persian Empire sought to reconquer the lost territories of the Persian Empire that ended with Darius III. To an extent they succeeded, but the attempt to reconquer the west brought only ruin to their Empire during the 7th century. Zoroastriansim was made the state religion, all non conformers were punished, but rarely could the Persian state make people conform. At a higher level it is unlikley you will retake the lost western Marzapanates (provinces) so develope a strong economy and make a few gains in the Caucasus and Mesopotamia.
The Great Womb of Scandinavia has given birth to the Teutonic tide as immigrants from the penninsula settle in Germania Magna causing the locals to move elsewhere-normally at the expense of a weaker tribe though now they pose a serious threat to the Roman Empire as their numbers grow whilst the numbers of Romans falters. Expand and fight of the Romans and Huns.
After the amazing campaigns of the Chinese in Central Asia to destroy the bases of the Huns which culminated with them reaching the Caspian sea, they had to find new land further west. This brought them eventually into conflict with the indigenous Iranians and later with the Ostrogoths. Atilla brought them to Gaul and Italy but the PLague got the better of them in the end. Expansion is your objective.
Enjoying the fruits of Roman clientship, they need the Romans even more now that the Persians have come back seeking the lost western provinces of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Armenian monarchy is of Parthian origin, many Parthian nobles fleeing to Armenia after the take-over of 224AD. King Tiridates, after persecuting Christians in his kingdom by order of Rome, grew ill and was persuaded by his daughter to release a Christian kept in his dungeons, Gregory. Greogory cured Tiridates and suceeding where the best Pagan doctors had failed convinced the king of the wholesome nature of Christianity causing a mass conversion to take place with the king included. This was in the year 301AD. Trade, fight the Persians and be loyal to Rome.
They play the role of the Bosphoran kingdom, Berbers, Scots, Picts and Alans. As you will know, they can not be played
If you play Constantine technologies will be given to you when you capture certain kew cities. Otherwise in such a short space of time the aim of the game is military rather than technology.
The Map
An edited version of one by Joaquin Vano Gea (igea@lander.es).
The Title.Gif
My own creation, meant to show how Emperor Constantine being graced by the divine image of the Chi Rho monogram. Maxentius is to the top left, Licinius to the top right. To the left of Constantine is the Arch that was re-used (images of Trajan being worn into the likeness of Constantine.) To his right is the city of New Rome-Constantinople with the main structures highlighted in purple that were built/existed in the new city.
Government types:
Except for the Huns, all other civilizations have a Monarchic governemnt.
Improved version of the converted scenario to ToT by Catfish
New graphics, most of them by Fairline
The Roman Empire entered a period of crisis during the 3rd century, probably due to the enriching of the Provinces and the resulting corruption of local power which demanded a weak and short reigning Emperor to maintain that awful status-quo. Aurelian defeated the foes of Rome and Diocletian restructured the Empire, turning it into a Dyarchic goverment-power divided into two with each Emperor giving his main military duties to junior collegues who had their own military capitals close to the frontiers. Constantine changed all that again leaving himself as the only ruler of the Roman Empire.
All these changes did not eliminate provincial corruption.
Units and Other Game Changes:
Sapper units are destroyed after attacking, the Vicar, not to be confused with the Christian Vicars of today but the name for a sub-provincial governor, plays the role of Spy, I have cranked up the attack/defense strength of certain units to make a more dynamic game. Also some city improvements cost a lot to build and to maintain, just as it was in reality.
Essentially you will quickly find out the quailities of each unit type,
The graphics originate from various sources, some of the units I created from scratch, some were edited from another source and others are directly taken from other sources without changes-the MRP signature is mine. The Border graphic says Hoc Vince (with this conquer) the phrase Constantine saw in Cisalpine Gaul. The railroad has been utilised into the classic Roman Road. The Slave Camp graphic replaces the Airbase, used for hills to produce and extra unit of food, just as in reality the presence of Slave Camps outlying a Metropolis boosted the resources of the Metropolis itself, they can be built by Serfs using the 'e' command. Pollution should not be a major factor in this scenario, but if you are playing the Western Dyarchy you will find the city of Rome rife with disease which, if not remideed by the building of Hospitals, could result in the appearance of Plagued areas nearby. The fortress graphic is meant to represent the Roman style of fortress building. The banners (flags) I designed, as the flag form we use today was not used then. The People graphic is my own creation, designed to be as authentic to the 4th century Roman world as posssible. Some of the wonders graphics I made as well as the Harp (Lyre) graphic which replaces the normal Luxury graphic, and the Hammer replaces the Shield graphic, the Dagger replaces the Corruption graphic, the pile of waste replaces the black shield waste graphic and the hand with a money bag replaces the normal trade arrow graphic. The Rotting head (symbolise spread of Plague) replaces the pollution graphic and the opening book replaces the beaker graphic. The Framland graphic I made, showing Cypress and Olive trees.
The reason why there is a mixture of bmp and gif files is that originally I had used a demo version of Paint Shop Pro, but when it expired (and it forbids you to re-download it) I went to using Microsoft Paint, saving them as 256 bmp files, they should work withour any problems.
The scenario is aimed for play by the Romans of Constantine, but you can play the other civs as well:
The troops of Constantine hailed him as Emperor of the west, whither through bribery or honest faith. He must move swiftly to capture Gaul-keeping the Germans at bay-, Hispania, Africa and Italia. Then Pannonia, Thrace, Achea, Anatolia, Syria and Egypt. Then the city of New Rome-Constantinople must be built and embellished. Quite a challenge to meet in the space of 189 turns!
When you capture Augusta Trev. Build the Aula Palatina in it.
When you capture Roma build the church of St. Peter and the Statue of Constantine in it.
When you build New Rome/Constantinople build the Hippodrome, Nicean Creed, Church of the Apostles and the Column of Constantine in it.
Western Dyarchy
Maxentius has usurped the throne of the Western Dyarchy, can he rule wisely or will he fall under the feet of Constantine's troops? Your aim should be to eliminate Constantine as soon as possible before turning against the Germans. Keep peace with the Eastern Dyarchy and enjoy the fruits of Trade.
Eastern Dyarchy
Licinius came to the throne of the Eastern Dyarchy legally, but that will make no differance to Constantine! Keep peace with the Western Dyarchy and fight of the Persians and Germans. You may find Constantine on your borders...
Ever since Ardashir rebelled against the Parthian (Turkoman) rulers of Iran in 224AD the Persian Empire sought to reconquer the lost territories of the Persian Empire that ended with Darius III. To an extent they succeeded, but the attempt to reconquer the west brought only ruin to their Empire during the 7th century. Zoroastriansim was made the state religion, all non conformers were punished, but rarely could the Persian state make people conform. At a higher level it is unlikley you will retake the lost western Marzapanates (provinces) so develope a strong economy and make a few gains in the Caucasus and Mesopotamia.
The Great Womb of Scandinavia has given birth to the Teutonic tide as immigrants from the penninsula settle in Germania Magna causing the locals to move elsewhere-normally at the expense of a weaker tribe though now they pose a serious threat to the Roman Empire as their numbers grow whilst the numbers of Romans falters. Expand and fight of the Romans and Huns.
After the amazing campaigns of the Chinese in Central Asia to destroy the bases of the Huns which culminated with them reaching the Caspian sea, they had to find new land further west. This brought them eventually into conflict with the indigenous Iranians and later with the Ostrogoths. Atilla brought them to Gaul and Italy but the PLague got the better of them in the end. Expansion is your objective.
Enjoying the fruits of Roman clientship, they need the Romans even more now that the Persians have come back seeking the lost western provinces of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Armenian monarchy is of Parthian origin, many Parthian nobles fleeing to Armenia after the take-over of 224AD. King Tiridates, after persecuting Christians in his kingdom by order of Rome, grew ill and was persuaded by his daughter to release a Christian kept in his dungeons, Gregory. Greogory cured Tiridates and suceeding where the best Pagan doctors had failed convinced the king of the wholesome nature of Christianity causing a mass conversion to take place with the king included. This was in the year 301AD. Trade, fight the Persians and be loyal to Rome.
They play the role of the Bosphoran kingdom, Berbers, Scots, Picts and Alans. As you will know, they can not be played
If you play Constantine technologies will be given to you when you capture certain kew cities. Otherwise in such a short space of time the aim of the game is military rather than technology.
The Map
An edited version of one by Joaquin Vano Gea (igea@lander.es).
The Title.Gif
My own creation, meant to show how Emperor Constantine being graced by the divine image of the Chi Rho monogram. Maxentius is to the top left, Licinius to the top right. To the left of Constantine is the Arch that was re-used (images of Trajan being worn into the likeness of Constantine.) To his right is the city of New Rome-Constantinople with the main structures highlighted in purple that were built/existed in the new city.
Government types:
Except for the Huns, all other civilizations have a Monarchic governemnt.
Improved version of the converted scenario to ToT by Catfish
New graphics, most of them by Fairline