Adds the Israelite Civilization to Brave New World, with King David as its Leader!. This mod features Custom Leader Music and a 3D leaderscene.
NOTE: To download you'll have to use the following link because I can't seem to get the download button to work here: Civilization (BNW).rar?dl=0

Please note, if you're having issues with the City-Banner, go to the "Incompatibility" folder inside the mod files and check there for details on how to fix that.
Special thanks to Ekmek for the 3D leaderscene, and to JanBoruta for the map.
Musical Credits
Peace Music: "Chassidic Dance" by the Burning Bush
War Music: "David", from the "The Bible: David" OST
Biblical Civilizations Thread!
NOTE: To download you'll have to use the following link because I can't seem to get the download button to work here: Civilization (BNW).rar?dl=0

Please note, if you're having issues with the City-Banner, go to the "Incompatibility" folder inside the mod files and check there for details on how to fix that.
Special thanks to Ekmek for the 3D leaderscene, and to JanBoruta for the map.
Musical Credits
Peace Music: "Chassidic Dance" by the Burning Bush
War Music: "David", from the "The Bible: David" OST
Biblical Civilizations Thread!