The future of Civ 3 now becomes presence:

Fix of the submarine bug, customizable movement for railroads, fix of the stealth attack, fix of civilopedia graphic glitches, fix of the scientific Golden Age bug, customizable no raze option integrated, comfortable stop and warning for overseen city riots, no more MUA (more than 8192 units on the map), stackable tile bombardment - and let´s hope that even more will follow.

Flintlock, thank you very much !
Your Mod brought another level of gameplay to Civ3. It's just amazing! It's a pleasure to see the AI move with the armies and the artillery pieces advancing. Thank you so much for sharing the entire civ community the fruit of your talent.
Absolutely phenomenal. A service to the community. I vote you for president, Flintlock.
The fixes in Release 11 are fantastic. I've been wanting to limit construction of units based on city improvements since I first played this game nearly 20 years ago. Thanks.
This just keeps getting better and better. Flintlock's done a great job of prioritizing the changes that yield the most modding possibilities. Thanks Flintlock!
Great new features again. The retreat functionality works like a charm. Now 3 movement units can escape from 2 movement units! Thanks Flintlock!
Mod of the century.
It just keeps on getting better. Thank you so much.
worked as advertised and fixed the graphics bug so it is no longer necessary to rename to get the graphics to work on linux installs
As ever all seems to work and we get useful new features.R18's unit limiting was on my wish list, now we have it.. Thank you.
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