Cambodian Civilization for VP

Cambodian Civilization for VP 17

Bonus yields on completion of wonders or PWs is now equal to 2x the city's current gross food production
food and faith on construction of wonders now scales with production cost of wonders, rather than Era.
- UA changed from +2 GEngineer points per World wonder/public works to +5% rate for GEngineers per World wonder/National Wonder/Public Works.
- Prang base Culture/Food/Faith reduced to +1
- minor text fixes
- promotion icons, courtesy of Asterix Rage
removed engineer from Prasat
reduced some building boosts from Prang; added +2 base food
  • increased GP from wonders and Public Works to +2
  • Prang can connect luxury resources
  • Prasat have 1 engineer slot.
pop scaler for Prang now works as described
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