This ZIP file contains PDF providing a useful summary of: Civilizations, Leaders, Terrain,
Resources, Improvements, Buildings, Wonders, Units, Promotions, Techs, etc.
Standard version (A5, 76 pages).
Wersja polska
Last update: 7th April 2008
Patch 3.13 compatible!
If you find my PDF useful/helpful and you would like to thank for my job I would be very gracious
if you send me a postcard from place where you live. I am collecting them. Also, I want to know
where my PDF is in use.
Please, give me your 5 minutes...
Here is the address:
Robert Cebula
ul. Lwowska 98/12
35-501 Rzeszów
Thanks in advance!
Resources, Improvements, Buildings, Wonders, Units, Promotions, Techs, etc.
Standard version (A5, 76 pages).
Wersja polska
Last update: 7th April 2008
Patch 3.13 compatible!
If you find my PDF useful/helpful and you would like to thank for my job I would be very gracious
if you send me a postcard from place where you live. I am collecting them. Also, I want to know
where my PDF is in use.
Please, give me your 5 minutes...
Here is the address:
Robert Cebula
ul. Lwowska 98/12
35-501 Rzeszów
Thanks in advance!