Colonies IV by John Ellis for Civ-2 ToT

Colonies IV by John Ellis for Civ-2 ToT 5.1

A scenario for Civilization II MGE (by Sid Meier and Brian Reynolds) set between 1630 and 1780 in Europe and North America converted for ToT. These notes are for the 4.2 version, SinglePlayer Edition.

This version has made only minor changes from version 4.x, but some of these have had quite far-reaching consequences. These are listed below for ease of reference for those already familiar with an earlier version:

1) The "AI values" of the techs have been extensively revised to encourage the computer to aim for some of the key military techs in the game, such as Flintlock and State Commission Army, that previously it was ignoring. This has made the computer a much harder opponent.

2) Some of the tech tree has been re-drawn, making Diplomatic Policy and Suburban Building appear later in the game, and making Colonial Tariffs and Policy more important.

3) The Nations' starting techs have been adjusted so that Town Charters (allowing a city to grow over 4 in size) is not available until late in the Seventeenth Century. This has the effect of limiting Colony size more realistically (most European Towns and Cities already have a Town Charter in place).

4) Several unit values and costs have been marginally adjusted, as a result of extensive playtesting, for better game balance and a better historical "feel" to battles.

5) The Independent Island of Madeira (hosting the town of Funchal) has been made a larger, and more productive place, with a thriving Sugar Plantation, as it was in reality.

There is an adaptation to TOTPP: you can delete or modify it from @COSMIC2.
First release
Last update


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