Custom Civilization - ModBuddy template

Custom Civilization - ModBuddy template 2.4

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 10 reviews

You are a hero
This was very helpful! I created a birthday present for a friend and without your kind help I would have never been able to achieve this! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into this, really helped me create a very unique present !
Very helpful, especially the text files. I did some mods myself to use my template in the future. Most for localization I used the Civ initials and then a number instead of a whole name (so LOC_CIV_RIVER_1) so it'll make replacing text easier (instead of LOC_CIV_RIVER_MATT)
This is fantastic. I've lurked the forum as an outsider for years & finally created an account explicitly for this review. I've modded deeply complex games like Fallout 4 & NBA 2k22, simple ones like Pokemon FireRed... everything from tweaking existing mods for my own use to building mods from scratch. Civ 6 is, by miles, the most groundwork I've had to put in on the ground floor to mod. The aforementioned games have tools for the back-end illiterate, but the problem with mod tools is: you're bound by the restrictions of the tool(s.) Once you *do* learn the back-end stuff, how it all works and why.. those tools may not allow you to do/fix what you want and that is frustrating in and of itself. Not understanding how the game data works leads to broken mods, incompatible mods, etc. Having all the pertinent info in one spot with play-by-play explainers is a game-changer. This is going to be my third attempt at creating a Civ from the ground up, but having perused the files already I know this is my best shot. Thank you for putting this together.
Thank you so much for this template, it was so detailed.
Thank you a lot! I found it very useful, especially the way it was done. I had found a few of different tutorials before that weren't really useful - as they just gave the code without telling what to do.
This is a awesome, the commentaries helped me a lot to understand modding basics. Thank You
11/10 has made my life easier in trying to learn these past few days
This was amazing. I'd also love some additions (such as non replacing units, districts, and buildings)
Thank you! Glad it has helped. I will definitely iterate this to include a variety of different unique items. An additional unit, a replacement unique district and a replacement unique building are all logical ways to extend this.
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