DMS' Civilizations - Corsica (Pasquale Paoli) for VP

DMS' Civilizations - Corsica (Pasquale Paoli) for VP V16

Adapts and updates Corsica (Pasquale Paoli) for Vox Populi. Does not require the original mod.

Requires Events Activated

To talk about it

Original mod Credits:

  • Danmacsch: Design, SQL, Lua, Text, Art (Leaderscreen, Icons, misc)
  • Scapegrace: Design
  • JFD: Lua
  • Machiavelli: Lua
  • Regalman: Map
  • Civitar: Original Macchieri model
Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to original authors):
Development Credits:
  • Astérix Rage: Leader Icon Patina
  • Hinin: Research, Design Master, Macchieri 3d models modifications, UnitIcons and BuildingIcons, FlagIcons, new GameTexts, Diplomacy and AI flavors, Testing
  • gwennog : SQL, Lua, Design Disciple, help on UnitIcons and BuildingIcons, CivIcon, Armigeri 3d models modifications, Testing
Special Thanks:
  • DMS, JFD, Adan_eslavo, Sukritact: lua inspiration and source
  • Irkalla: Civ Icon guide
  • Deliverator: 3d model guide
  • HungryForFood: Lua API wiki
  • Astérix Rage: Icon and Screen dimension guide, valuable advice for the artistic part
Documentation (Sorry, in French):
  1. Histoire de la Corse et des Corses par J-M Arrighi et O. Jehasse.
  2. Grosjean Roger. "Le complexe torréen fortifié de Cucuruzzu (Lèvie, Corse). Première campagne de fouilles, 1963". In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. Études et travaux, tome 61, n°1, 1964. pp. 185-194.
  3. Pascale Paoli, Un Corse des Lumières par M. Vergé-Franceschi
First release
Last update


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More resources from gwennog

Latest updates

  1. Some changes

    Change War Theme, find by @Hinin , thank you :cool: Change Region priority for more...
  2. Actually changes UA

    Change UA, was +1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5greatperson: GWAM per 2 Mountains, now +1 per...
  3. VP4.2 Compatibility

    Promotion Compatibility Change UA, was +1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5greatperson: GWAM per 2...
  4. VP3.4 Compatibility

    Furtezza loses 150 City HP, gains flat damage reduction of 2.
  5. Small modification of Stantari

    As Monument, replace "Reduces the :c5culture: Culture cost of acquiring tiles by 25%" by +34%...
  6. 3.0 compatibility

    3.0 compatibility
  7. Change Promotion Icons

    Added new original Promotion Icons
  8. Fixed a bug on the great musician event

    When expended a Great Musician, World Wonders produced :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points during...
  9. Update, design and corrections

    Stantari now gives the Across all Boundaries Promotion to Settlers and Workers Mixed Macchieri...
  10. Added Recursive's new victory code

    Added Recursive's new victory code
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