Changelog (1.22)
>Added TopSecret's "SpyProcess" for direct production of Espionage Points
>Vassal parameters adjusted - experimental for future updates
-LeaderheadInfos.xml and GlobalDefines.xml
-Tech changed Future Tech
>Changed locations of Berlin and Warsaw to avoid borders from becoming East Prussia
>gave Ukraine/Georgia 2 more cities in Ukraine, moved Kiev and Donetsk
>added Tirane to "Other" Balkan territory
>various Culture rebalances
>fixed error with bStateReligion status (Direct Democracy gives no state religion, as intended)
>Hit resources taken off Telecoms
>Coal taken off Oil Companies
>Standard Ethanol produces Sweet Crude
>added food increase back for Retail and Online Retail
>threshold for Defense Pact increased to Friendly for all leaders
>Ukrainian UB "Independence Square" given +3 Entrenched XP
>Palace changed to modern model
>The Oracle move to Tech New Physics
>Hit Movie wonders (Hollywood x3, Bollywood x2)
>Hit single wonders (Rock and Roll x3, Gangnam x2)
>Hit games wonders (Tencent x3, (NEW)Silicon Valley x2)
>BBC given Sistine Chapel effect
>Pandemic response food debuff removed
>flavour units
>weird stuff with modern infantry UUs fixed
>change autogun to CIWS/CRAM and make it upgrade to ASAT
>New "Modern Trebuchet" unit - MLRS (weaker but higher city attack, bombardment, carries 1 Missile)
>give Utility Chopper bonus vs Shock Troops
>adjusted COIN->UAV->UCAV upgrade path
>COIN now carrier borne
>Military levels for Aircraft (Airport -> Military I, Airbase -> Military 2, Aerospace Factory -> Military 3)
>adjusted some upgrade paths
-AA Gun->C-RAM Battery (& SAM Infantry)->ASAT
>add missile unit category
>C-RAM/ASAT line small bonus vs Aircraft, mainly countermissile/counterspace
>changing aircraft balance again (UUs are "flavour", differences in capability represented by starting promos/XP)
>updated future units ("next gen")
-All future units have collateral protection from Armor (Dreadnaught)
-Unmanned Destroyer (Tech: Nanotechnology)
-Powered Infantry (Increase strength, remove blitz, no Collateral from Siege, make upgrade of Modern Infantry)
-UCAV range doubled
>Orbital Weapon Platform given massive collateral, cost increase 25%
>New future units
-ACV (Mech Infantry) -> Gains Blitz + SAM (Tech: Artificial Intelligence)
-Tiltrotor (Gunship) -> gains benefits of Gunship and Uility Chopper (Tech: Quantum Computing)
-HFOB (ICBM) -> 100% SDI evasion (Tech: Space Militarization)
-Foil Transport (Transport) -> Very fast transport (Tech: Shielding)
-Supersoldier (Special Forces) -> Super advanced SpecOps (Techs: Bionics and Human Cloning)
-World Unit: TENET - Early Supersoldier with 2x Respawn
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CHANGELOG 1.21 "To the Moon"
>removed TECH_SPACE_COLONIES, building moved to Astrogation
>Kremlin obsoletes at TECH_INTERNET_OF_US
>Town acts as city (like a Fort)
>Hamlet, Village, and Town have defense bonus (15%, 20%, 25% respectively)
>fixed world size bug preventing some national wonders from being built
>Nationalist Kiosk gives +1 XP instead of +1 Espionage

New resources
>Launch Provider (EXISTING)
>Superheavy Lift Vehicle
>Crewed Spacecraft
>Sweet Crude (Represents OPEC reserves, builds same things as Oil. Slight increase in prod and comm yields)

>Joint Strike Fighter can now board aircraft carriers
>Warbot balance changed to upgrade of Mobile Support
>Warbot model changed to quadrupedal robot from EE2
>Tu-95 now Russian Bomber UU

>DTI and Sonotrak (Industrial Park UBs) production cost increased to 600
>removed maintenance cost from Autonomous Traffic Control
>gave EM Drive bonuses from Space Elevator, removed the latter
>coal plant and UB obsoletes at TECH_ENVIRONMENTAL_DESIGNS
>Dike fully buildable
>Renewable Plant gives +1 health (halving the "clean power" penalty)
>Fusion Plant gives +2 health (negating "clean power" penalty)
>Globe Theatre no longer removes all unhappiness - now gives large happiness buff
>Concert of Nations works now
>Buff wonder for Pyongyang (Office 39), Taipei (Taipei 101)

>Office 39
Provides Oil
+5 Food
+3 Health
+100% Culture
+100% Espionage
+100% Gold

>Taipei 101
Provides Rare Earth Metal
+3 Health
+100% Culture
+100% Research
+100+ Trade Routes Yield

>Space Buildings
>Crewed Space Program (Requires Launch Provider)
Tech: Advanced Flight
National Wonder
Provides 3x Crewed Spacecraft
+2XP for Air Units

>Space Hotel
Tech: Hypersonic Flight
World Wonder
-5 Happy
+25% all commerce types in all cities
+2 Great Merchant points

>Satellite Downlink (Requires Launch Provider or Superheavy Launch Vehicle)
Tech: Space Commericalization
-1 Happy
+25% Production
+50% Commerce
Morale Promo for units built in city

>Satellite Constellation (Requires Launch Provider)
Tech: Satellite
National Wonder
Free Satellite Constellation in every city

>Space Station (Requires Crewed Spacecraft)
Tech: Laser
National Wonder
+20 Research
+1 Happy in all cities
+1 Health in all cities

>ISS Module (UB for USA, Russia, France, Germany, EU, Canada, Japan, Italy, replaces Space Station)
Tech: Laser
National Wonder
+10 Research
+100% Commerce
+1 Happy in all cities
+1 Health in all cities

>Starbase (Requires Fuel)
Tech: Space Commericalization, Virtual Matter
Great Wonder
-2 Happy
+25% Space Race production
Provides 5x Superheavy Launch Vehicle
+2 Great Engineer points

>Lunar Outpost (Requires Crewed Spacecraft or Superheavy Lift Vehicle)
Tech: Megaprojects
National Wonder
+25 Research
-12 Gold
+1 Happy in all cities
Provides 1x Helium-3

>Mars Outpost (Requires Superheavy Lift Vehicle)
Tech: Astrogation
National Wonder
Requires Lunar Outpost
+50 Research
-25 Gold
+2 Happy in all cities

>Other future buildings
>Blockchain Network
Tech: Cyber Warfare
-1 Happy
-1 Health
+50% Commerce

>Crypto Decoder
Tech: Quantum Computer
-1 Happy
+65% Espionage

>Civics (changes to unlimited specialists, following civic upkeep changed to High)
technocracy - scientist, engineer
rehabilitation - artist, spy
corporatist - priest, merchant

>New scenarios
>2010 REDUX brought back and revamped for mod's new features
>2022 (begins Jan 22)
>Tehran culture increased to 500 (was 200)
>Culture in Philippines and Taiwan increased
>shrines added as generic wonders to 2017 scenario
>national wonders added to both scenarios
>North Korea given Industrialism for both scenarios
>Shenyang culture reduced to not swamp Pyongyang
>Added "Sweet Crude" to OPEC nations
-Religion overhaul (6 "religions" inspired by HOI4: Millennium Dawn's Ideology system
-Civics overhaul inspired by World 2009 mod
-Aircraft rebalance
-New unit: Satellite
-Content for resources: Lithium, Rare Earth, Asteroid
-Final balance for 2017, freeze on development (except for critical balance issues)
-Removed 2010 and 2010 Redux
For detailed changelog, see thread
-Overhauled corporations: now based on resources manufactured by buildings, rather than raw goods. The effectiveness of your bank corporation is directly tied to the number of banks you have, not the number of gold mines.
-Pandemic: guide your country through a global health crisis. Find the balance between keeping your population safe and keeping your economy afloat.
-Three new World Units: evade enemy fleets with Red October, tip the nuclear balance with Metal Gear, or launch rapid airstrike missions with Mobius Squadron
-Various other balance and bug fixes. For more details, see thread.
Mod changes
-Added new World Unit: TF 141 (inherits old Special Forces stats)
-Air Unique Units now replace the proper unit (F-22 replaces Stealth Fighter instead of Jet Fighter, Tu-95 replaces standard bomber instead of Stealth Bomber)
-Nerfed Special Forces
-Rebalanced UCAV, Supercarrier, AT units
-new promos for Recon and Trench units
-Removed incompatible building prereqs for units - instead they require a certain level of "Military Industry" to build (just cheap buildings that themselves require a certain level of industry to build)
-Rebalnced Launch Pad, Airbase, Spaceport, Sea Factory
-3 obsolete resources repurposed into future resources (Lithium, Rare Earth Metals, and Meteor"
-Rebalanced modern improvements
Map changes (2017)
-Nuclear powers have access to Uranium
-5 new cities - 3 to China, 1 to USA, 1 to Japan
-Added Aerospace and Launchpads where appropriate
-Reduced industry in cities with less than 10 pop


Enhanced mid-to-late gameplay


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New graphics for UB's and 2 new unitclasses. See changelog for details.
Fixes a minor error with naval prereq buildings
Rebalancing unit and building production, adding new UBs, and a new scenario. See the thread for more details.
Added minor changes to buildings and fixed critical diplomacy bug. Hotfix available in thread
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