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Earth Sixteenth Century BTS 2016-10-05

Challenge the world as one of fifteen playable civilizations at the turn of the century, or grab your friends and dare to surpass history's best.
Spain: Recently finished with a brutal reconquista, Spain has done it's best to purge non-christians from its lands, mass conversions have occurred, and the dreaded inquisition has begun. While the world enters a new age of thought, Spain still seeks to preserve it's visigothic heritage. Isabella of Castile and Leon, wife of Ferdinand II, Queen of Spain has recently unified Spain, can she ensure it's longevity with Muslim threats at her borders?

France: Under Louis XI France has become united, his armies have beaten the feudal lords and united France, but now the king grows old, will he be able to lead France to the same glory he led his own armies to? Will France flourish? Will it be the first to find an western sea route to india? Or will France wither and die under the might of hapsburg spain and the holy roman empire?

England: ((to come later, the civ is in, the leader, elizabeth, is a placeholder at the moment, just assume she's elizabeth of york or something ))

Holy Roman Empire: You are emperor of Rome and it's empire. The Teutonic lands have all but been absorbed into the empire founded by Frederick I, and you sit in his throne. The sons of Osman grow every more powerful, and each day they press further into your lands. Spain has launched a bloody inquisition and seeks to found an empire. France has been united yet it's leader grows old. Will you tolerate such actions? Or will you win honor for Almighty God and the Holy Roman Empire!?

Kalmar Union: Once your people were mighty and the mere utterance of their names was enough to cause fear and worry amongst the people of the world. You are of the stock of the ancient Scandinavians, their lands are yours, unified in an agreement that threatens to break. You are Christian IV, King of Denmark, and head of the Kalmar Union. Though your people may have been fierce once, you now seek to reform the land, Christianity has long since taken hold, and an age of enlightenment is beginning to sweep the land. Prove to the world your days of barbarism are behind your people.

Russia: Can you surpass Ivan III the great? Dare you follow in his footsteps and refuse the grand khan? dare you cast of the shackles of subjugation and invite the Great Horde to sweep across your lands? You are Ivan III, also known as Ivan the great, Grand duke of moscow, russia is united only under the rule of the Khanate, it will take a truly great man to unite the Kievian rus, Novogrodia, Moscow, and Kherson, it will take an even greater man still to become russia's longest ruler, and survive the coming tide of the Horde. Perhaps if you think wisely you can subjugate the Khanate itself! Come Ivan, the Steppe awaits in silence for the coming bloodshed

Ottomans: Hail, O glorious Sultan! You who have taken Istanbul his own, he who is king of Byzantium! You are Mehmed, El-Fatih, Son of Murad II. Come, sit, and feast, for there is much to be done! The caliphate grows weaker, Sultan Mehmed perhaps we can claim their land? We, the sons of osman, would control the arab world from Baghdad to morroco! The caliphate are rooted in their ways, yet we have the gifts of the khanate, we have a fresh stock of janissaries and galley slaves, let us use them! Our scientists are briliant, our lands rich in desires goods, and we control the pass into the arab world and the far east. But worse! The western fools challenge our galleys at lepanto, they strike at us from italy! To these westerners who dare call we faithful infidels, I say let us show them the glory of the Ottomans!

Mali: Mansa Musa, you are one of histories greatest kings, your lands are rich, yet there is little to eat, it is a good thing you have excess and the caliphs are friendly! Yet if you were able to spread the influence of mali into all of africa, then your will and empire will be as mighty as heaven itself.

Ethiopia: Great Negusa Negast! O, King of Kings! You are the Seed of Jacob, “Zara Yaqob”, alike to your name, your forefathers founded a nation. Christ will guide your kingship through the ages, and keep you rightly guided against the Islamic incursions in Soudan.

Golden Khanate: You have taken this land from your brother by bloody war, and in retribution the gods saw fit to take land from you... The Rus grow rebellious, the mughal forsake us, the chinese wage war on us, yet you are grand khan of the golden horde!
Show these fools true power and let the horde rampage once more! ((note: this is a difficult [or meant to be] civ, they are behind in technology, but control the most land and own the russian states. Upkeep will be high, for your empire is dying, the chinese have started a new dynasty, overthrowing mongol rule, the Mughals form their own splinter empire, forsaking your rule, threatening your southern borders with strife and conflict. Can you prove yourself a worthy leader? can you save the dying khanate? Can you become the next Genghis?))

Mughal: You are Jalaludin Muhammed Akbar I! Akbar the Great! Ruler of the mughal empire! try to surpass akbar himself and conquer the entire indian subcontinent (( sorry for the lack of a description here and any further lacks, it's getting kind of late here))

Ming Dynasty: freed from mongol rule, the chinese must now attempt to re-establish themselves in the world, but the mongols still lay at your borders. there is hope though, in islanders who call themselves "the japanese"


Aztecs: The americas are full of tribes, all destined to bow before the gods and the aztec people! The gods chose you to lead your kind to conquest, prove yourself worthy to the heavens and crush anything on land. But be cautioned! The prophets of old have warned of the return of Great Queztacoatl, and it is foretold he will arrive on the backs of giant swans, full of fiery revenge!

Inca: O great sapa inca! Times for you are truly turbulent! Much of your land has been passed to the dead, and kingdoms run thin to plunder for your coffers! The curse on your throne still holds true, and it is believed the great inca people will be wiped form the earth soon.
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