This MODCOMP adds a new improvement (Irrigation) and changes Farms. Now instead of yop being able to build farms when you develope Agriculture you are able to Irrigate a plot. After 25 turns the Irragation turns into a farm. The only thing different between the Farm and Irrigation is that Farms have a small chance (1 in a 1,000) of discovering a food resource (Wheat, Rice, and Corn). But you can't just discover Corn, Wheat, or Rice, You have to have Wheat in order to discover Wheat the same goes with Corn, and Rice. Enjoy! 
The Navy Seal for putting it together, and coming up with some of the Ideas.
Zebra 9 For the Python.
And Civfanatics for the idea.
Discussion Here

The Navy Seal for putting it together, and coming up with some of the Ideas.

Zebra 9 For the Python.

And Civfanatics for the idea.

Discussion Here