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Female Great People ModComp 2016-10-05

Female Great People ModComp

This modcomp adds a female version for each of the Great People. These new units don't replace the original units. Instead there is a certain chance that each time a Great Person is born, this person is female. The chance for this is 15 % without the emanzipation civic and 50 % with that civic. Because the Female Great People have the same attributes as the original male ones this modcomp doesn't alter the gameplay in any way, it's just pure eye candy. In order to keep the civilopedia clean, the new units won't appear in it. However, you can see that this modcomp works by checking the original Great People. If there is a new entry 'Replaced by ...' the modcomp works.

Now for the more technical details:

This modcomp is mostly modular. However, there are some files that can't be made modular. These files are one python file (CvEventManager) and two xml files (Audio3DScripts and AudioDefines). The changes in the python file can be found by searching for 'saibotlieh', the changes in the xml files can be found near the buttom of the files (lines 22861-23005 and lines 10979-11013). Further there is a sound folder with custom sounds that must be placed direct into the base mod Assets folder. All files in the zip-file are already put into the necessary folder, unzipping it directly in the Mods folder of BtS should result into a working mod.

The python functions that changes the Great People to female units is written in a way that all Great People that have similiar named female unit counterparts are targets. For example, the existence of the Unit_Female_Scientist makes the Unit_Scientist a target. So, if it is desired to add more Female Great People to this modcomp (for custom Great People) this is possible by just naming the new female units accordingly. For example, if a Female Doctor should be added to this modcomp, that unit should be named Unit_Female_Doctor (if the original unit is named Unit_Doctor that is).

If you are using my Native Amazon modcomp with this modcomp:

- Most of the sound files are the same, they can be overriden if asked for.
- The chance of getting Female Great People is 15 % higher for each available Amazons bonus (max. 50 %).

Forum link:


- The_J for his 'Invisible dummy techs' mod that I've modified to fit to my needs (outdated, but still thankful ;)).
- God-Emperor for the idea to use the Civilopedia entry for turning the units invisible (outdated, but still thankful ;)).
- embryodead and Dancing Hoskuld for the <bGraphicalOnly> addition to the unit schema.
- Ploeporpengal, the Scientist unit is based on his imported Pirates! barmaid
- Walter Hawkwood, I used his Mercedes Benz model as basis for my Mustang.
- Bakuel, I used some of his textures as base.
- BioWare, the audio files are from their game Dragon Age Origins.
- Type-Moon, the Middle Age General is heavily based upon one of their original characters.
- Ploeperpengel's 'female sound animations' was my starting point for my animation sounds.
- Lemon Merchant for contributing some names and for putting them into the right format.
- The_Coyote for teaching me how to shader units & leaderheads
- All the users that gave their feedback to my unit creations.
- All the writers of the tutorial section and helpful people in the forums. Without those, I'd never have learnt how to mod in the first place.

Known bugs/errors/potential bugs

- The message about the birth of a great person still says the name of the male unit that got replaced.

- Lemon Merchant found a Golden Age bug. GPs of different gender aren't counted as the same GP, so, for example, a female Scientist and a male Scientist can together start a GA.
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