- 40 Unitclasses (among others: Defensive Infantry, Helicopter, Naval Ranged Units, Missile Submarines, Naval Fighter, Recon Aircrafts and many more)
- 142 Standard Units for every Civilization
- 59 Special Units for single Civilizations
- 87 Bonus Units that increase the unit diversity
- Special Units are longer available
- standardized Icons
- Revision and adaptation of the combat values, Promotions etc. (see Einheitenindex.xlsx)
Promotions and Abilities:
- Revision of the categories and restructuring
- Unit-Abilities (e.g.: Founder for Settler) are shown as Unit-Promotions
- deleted unused Promotions
- 10 new Technologies (among others: Jet Engine, Avionics, Polymer Fibers, Space Flight and many more)
- Adaptation and restructuring of the technology tree
(click to enlarge; with activated Enhanced User Interface)
- new Building: Coal Plant (Production)
Wonder, National Wonder und Projects:
- new Wonder: St. Peter's Basilica (Religion), Panama Canal (Gold), The Motherland Calls-Monument (Military), Three Gorges Dam (Production), Etemenanki (Religion) and Large Hadron Collider (Research)
- Unified Concept of texts for Units, Promotions, Buildings, Wonders, etc.
- added additional font icons to simplify the texts
- Correction of errors and inaccuracies
- Involved large unit images in the Civilopedia
More Features:
- additional Font Icons among others:
- additional Trade Routes
- additional Spies
- some Special-Units have individual names
- increased movement on railroad with Modern Logistics
- minimum distance of cities now 2 hexes
- new Era-Splash for Information-Era