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GDG's Build Great Wall Outside Territory

GDG's Build Great Wall Outside Territory v3

This mods alters the great wall which allowed it be build outside your territory. It can also be built on any tiles.

My First Mod :)

- You can build great wall outside your border.
- You can build great wall in flood plains (in vanilla you can't)

Installation: Extract to C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods

Thanks: Gedemon,Cyphose,ledomaine

great wall outside border.png great wall image 2.png
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Minor Name Changes and File Sorting

    Minor Name Changes and File Sorting
  2. Added Floodplains as a valid terrain to put the great wall

    Added Floodplains as a valid terrain to put the great wall
  3. Update Allowed build to line only

    only build in line great wall. because ai is spamming the great wall
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