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Icon Atlas Templates for the GIMP (XCF Format) 2016-10-05

This zipfile contains the same icon atlas templates as provided by Firaxis, but converted to .xcf format for the GIMP.

They have been adapted for maximum ease of use before exporting to DDS. There is a single layer, containing the white circles on black background to indicate the default visible areas. This is supplemented by a layer mask ensuring that only the area in the white circles shows up; all else will be transparent, as required. If you want an icon to overspill the default circle, you will have to edit the layer mask. Everything that is white in the mask gets through, everything black ends up transparent (I'm not sure what happens to anything else).

Once you have edited your icon atlas, I recommend keeping the XCF version for future editing and exporting a copy as DDS. The GIMP DDS plugin will correctly export a suitable file using default settings, just allow it to apply the mask during export.
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