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Japanese Civilisations Pack (Gods and Kings) 2016-10-05

Updated to be BNW-compatible!

This mod adds twelve Japanese samurai clans, plus the Ryukyu Kingdom, as playable civilisations. This is the Gods and Kings version.

South Kyushu - Shimazu Yoshihiro
UA: Open to Trade: Double luxury resource quantity available when trading. +50% Science from Research Agreements.
UU: Tanegashima: Replaces the Rifleman. In addition to its normal melee attack, can also perform a slightly weaker ranged attack.
UB: Tenmonkan: Replaces the Observatory. Does not require a mountain.

North Kyushu - Kato Kiyomasa
UA: Pride in Punishment: +25% Production across the civilisation. +50% Unhappiness from Population. (nerfed since last release)
UB1: Banikuya: +4 Food and +2 Gold. Requires 2 Horses and a source of Horses nearby. Replaces the Stable, but does not confer any of its original benefits.
UB2: Onsen: Replaces the Colosseum. +3 Happiness, +1 Food, no maintenance.

Tokaido - Tokugawa Ieyasu
UA: The Final Unification: Start with 3 Settlers and an Archer.
UU: Shinobi: Replaces the Knight, but is almost completely unlike it! Basically a submarine on land, it is invisible until it attacks or moves adjacent to a unit.
UB: Kabukiza: Replaces the Amphitheatre. +3 Culture and +2 Gold.

Kansai - Toyotomi Hideyoshi
UA: Kitchen of Japan: +3 Food from Fishing Boats.
UB: Osaka Castle: Replaces the Palace, but with much more defence and produces more gold.
UB2: Kabunakama: Replaces the Bank. Is available at Guilds. +10% Production.

Shinshu - Takeda Shingen
UA: People of the Mountain: Units ignore terrain cost on hills. +1 Gold from Mines.
UB: Dojo: Replaces the Armoury.+2 Happiness. +30 XP for land units only (no XP for naval and air)
UB2: Yamajiro: Replaces the Castle. Requires a Mountain. All units trained in a Yamajiro city get Drill 1.

Hokuriku - Uesugi Kenshin
UA: Forts of Rock: Units are 33% more effective in friendly territory and 20% less outside it.
UU: Kuruma Gakari: Replaces the Longswordsman. Can move after attacking. Starts with the March promotion.
UB: Bishamonten Shrine: Replaces the Barracks. +2 Faith, +1 Happiness, +15 EXP.

Shikoku - Sakamoto Ryoma
UA: To Defy Sakoku: Military units can embark on ocean from the start of the game. +1 naval movement.
UU: Farmer Militia: Replaces the Pikeman. Can build Farms, Camps and Plantations.
UU2: Kurofune: Replaces the Frigate, but has a range of 3.

Chugoku - Mori Motonari
UA: Takatora's Wisdom: Civilisation starts with Himeji Castle.
UU: Atakebune: Replaces the Galleass. Has a lot more melee strength, but still can't melee attack (read: is harder to kill).
UB: Floating Torii: Replaces the Shrine. Provides 2 Faith, plus another 2 for each sea resource worked by the city.

Tohoku - Date Masamune
UA: Land of the Emishi: Units treat forest tiles as road (like Iroquois). All units gain the Indirect Fire promotion.
UU: Abe Pioneer: Replaces the Settler. Can defend itself.
UB: Inari Shrine: Replaces the Temple. +3 Faith from Furs and +2 from Deer nearby.

The Akechi - Akechi Mitsuhide
Trait: The Enemy is at Honnoji: Units can move in rival territory without an Open Borders agreement.
UU: Ronin: Replaces the Longswordsman. Does not require Iron. Can attack twice in one turn.
UU2: Oyumi: Replaces the Crossbowman. Is available earlier and costs less Production.

West Kyushu - Augustin Konishi
Trait: The Sole Purveyor: Religious buildings can be purchased without a specific belief and by using Production or Gold.
UB: Dejima: Replaces the Harbour. Gives 2 iron and 1 porcelain. Does not confer the sea resource benefits of harbours.
UB2: Himitsu Kyokai: Replaces the Temple. +50% Religious Pressure.

Kanto - Hojo Ujiyasu
UA: Legacy of the Minamoto: Civilisation starts with 1 free Social Policy. Future policies cost 10% less Culture.
UU: Kyuba no Michika: Replaces the Chariot Archer. Is stronger and ignores terrain cost.
UB: Gojunoto: Replaces the Temple. +3 Faith, +10% Culture.

Ryukyu - Sho Hashi
UA: Gateway to the Middle Kingdom: Earn a Great Scientist upon researching Optics, Engineering, Steam Power, and Flight. (Archer bug has been fixed in this release).
UU: Nunchaku: Replaces the Pikeman. Bonus against Melee units. No bonus against Mounted.
UU2: Gushiku: Replaces the Castle. Provides Scientist specialist slots and Great Scientist points. Doesn't provide Defence or HP.

Vanilla Japan has been changed to "Chubu". The Samurai has had an attack increase; the Zero has been removed and replaced with the Kajiya (this UB replaces the Forge, does not require iron, provides 2 iron, and does not confer the iron production bonus). It is still led by Oda Nobunaga.
First release
Last update


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