JReligionDecay Mod by Jeckel
This mod's main purpose is providing the chance of religions being removed from cities.
Based on config.ini options and other criteria, each city has a chance each turn to experience
a Turmoil Event, specificly a Religious Turmoil Event. You are able to set the min number of
turns between Turmoil Events, the min number of religions required in the city, the percent
chance of the even happening, and several others.
If all the factors are met then Religious Turmoil strikes your city and a
religion may be removed. As is now Religious Turmoil has no effect other then removing a
religion, but in future versions I am planning to incorporate other negative factors. >
This mod's main purpose is providing the chance of religions being removed from cities.
Based on config.ini options and other criteria, each city has a chance each turn to experience
a Turmoil Event, specificly a Religious Turmoil Event. You are able to set the min number of
turns between Turmoil Events, the min number of religions required in the city, the percent
chance of the even happening, and several others.
If all the factors are met then Religious Turmoil strikes your city and a
religion may be removed. As is now Religious Turmoil has no effect other then removing a
religion, but in future versions I am planning to incorporate other negative factors. >