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JUnitReligion v0.5 Beta 2016-10-05

Compatabiltiy: Civ4 v1.61 and Warlords

JUnitReligion Mod is based on Bhruic's old SettlerReligion mod and uses Dr Elmer Jiggle's CustomEventManager and Stone-D's SD-Toolkit.

JUnitReligion Mod Thread

This mod has two main funtions. The first functions almost identically to Bhruic's SettlerReligion mod(ie settlers get a religion from the city that builds them and that religion is given to the city when the settler builds it), but with several differences.

1) There is a base chance whether or not the Settler gets a religion from the city.

2) If the city has the State Religion AND is under Theocracy there is a percent chance the Settler will get the State Religion.

3) If the city has the State Religion but is NOT under Theocracy there is a percent chance the unit will receive the State Religion.

4) The three above percent chances are configurable through a Config.ini file.

In addition to Settlers getting a religion from the city that builds them, I have expanded this to all units, not just the Settler.

The other primary function of this mod is to allow units to spread their personal religion to cities they fortify in. Through the config.ini file you can turn unit religion spreading on/off as well as define the number of turns a unit must be fortified before their religion can spread.

Note: As of v0.45 the default is set for Sea and Air Domain units to not get religion. This can be changed in the ini file and Land Domain is controlable also.

Note for Warlords Compatability with JUnitReligion v0.5 and later!!
To play this mod in warlords, download and install the mod like normal. Then go into the Mods/JUnitReligion/Assests/Python directory and open the file in notepad or whatever text editor you got. You will see the line
expansionWarlords = False
change that line to read
expansionWarlords = True
and the mod will work in Warlords.
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