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[LH] Miriam Godwinson 2016-10-05

Sister Miriam Godwinson
Rank: Lt. Commander
Position: Psych Chaplain
]Country of Origin: United States
Date of Birth: 04-04-2014
Height: 168.6 cm
Weight: 55.2 kg
Service Record:
Born 2014, Athens, Georgia, father a high-ranking member of the Evangelical Fire. Baptized in River of Fire at age 7; attended series of religious schools, including College of the Covenant. Received Ph.D. in psychology from Yale University.

Abundant charisma led her to position as ranking Psych Priest of Heavenly Diocese; later appointed U.N. Honorary Psych Chaplain for Re-integration Forces sent to countries decimated in Crusader Wars. Reassigned stateside when native populations elevated her to a cultlike religious figure (the 'Prophet Phenomenon' often coinciding with post-nuclear madness).

Political pressure for the reconciling of the secular and the spiritual led to her appointment as Psych Chaplain, U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission.

Psych Profile: Believer

Empathy and charisma make subject a natural leader; people are drawn to subject without necessarily understanding why. Able to use mannerisms and rhythms of speech to evoke deep spiritual responses in weak-minded individuals, or intelligent individuals seeking order and security in the face of chaotic events.

Single-minded focus on bringing hope and spiritual guidance to any problem she encounters makes her a strong candidate for Psych Chaplain. However, subject must be cautioned against casting spiritual matters into a personal vision of a relentless God that may personify struggles existing within her own psyche.
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