LS's Viet Nam for VP

LS's Viet Nam for VP V.4

Adds the Viet Nam Empire, led by Le Loi, for VP and optionally MUCfVP.

To talk about it

Credits :
- LastSword : Original mod, Original CivIcon, Leaderscreen, LeaderIcon, Map, DoM picture, UU1 UnitIcon, Original Research, Writing
- TPangolin : UImprovement 3d model and Icon, UU2 3d model and Research
- SenshiDenshi : UU2 Icon
- PrimoXanthous : UB Icon
- Geoff Knorr : Peace and War Theme (Vietnam Medieval and Industrial Themes in Civ 6)
- Hinin : VP adaptation, new Design and Code

Special Thanks :
- gwennog : testing and suggestions
- VP Team : new SQL functions allowing the mod to function without lua
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. V.4 : Change to the UA, nerf to the UB

    - UA change : trade interdiction removed, replaced by a +20% CS bonus against civilizations with...
  2. UA tweak, UI nerf, UB tweak, civ background color darkened on Unit flags

    - UA : Removed Naval Melee Units from the UA (I was iffy about that part anyway) ; gave Wet Foot...
  3. Fixes, UI rework, UU1 buff and UB tweak

    - Fixed problems linked to City Names and Diplomacy dialogues - Changed the names of the UU1 and...
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