Maccabee's World Map

Maccabee's World Map 2016-10-05

I created this .biq map to enable one to play with 31 civs on a huge map without the game crashing when it reaches the 512 city limit. Sanger's map is beautiful and fun, but I always crashed long before the Industrial Age. This is why I created a map slightly smaller than her 256 x 204 map, and why almost all plains and grassland are covered with forest of some sort. (There's a bizarre logic here, if you consider that in 4000 B.C., there might have been a lot more vegetation as man probably had not cleared very much for agriculture. Perhaps this does not apply to the vast plains of North America and Africa, but change it if you like.)

Method and Distortion:
It took approximately four months to complete this 220 x 220 Miller's cylindrical projection. This map was done completely from scratch with tedious measurements made after much trial and error in searching for the right source map and a workable plotting scale (lots and lots of errors and restarts.) However, despite my best efforts, there is a distortion of far eastern Siberia as it approaches Alaska which I hope you will forgive. It was a measurement error due to an overlooked split in the two page map from which I was working. By the time I discovered my error, I was too far along to restart without putting off the project indefinitely from sheer fatigue. ( The map should have been 210 x 210 instead of 220 by 220. Because the distortion is in Siberia it should not affect gameplay unless your galleon takes too long to cross the Pacific. My apologies to all aspiring Magellans.) I based this on an (almost) 22 x 42 cm map in Hammond's Comparative Atlas.
The coastlines were carefully plotted and I think appear accurate whereever possible. Everyone's tastes and opinions differ , so I don't pretend that it will please everyone. I created it for my own use, but if anyone, even one person, considers it worthy of a trial, then I will be immensely pleased.

I left the rules at default for now.

As stated above, I realize the map reflects far less plains and grassland than exists at present. In version 1.4, I edited the rules to allow cities only on grassland, plains, and floodplains, so as to force civs to clear land before building cities. (Note: Later in this thread, Mithadan pointed out that the AI will not clear land outside its city radii. If this is true, and it seems to be so, no further cities will be built in most of the world. If you want your civs to build more cities, download 1.3 or earlier.) Hopefully this will slow the increase in the number of total cities, and maybe allow one to get a little further in the tech tree before the 512 city limit is reached. Personally, I think this more accurately reflects the historical spread of civilization. I anticipate some will complain about the lack of vast plains in America and Africa, but the discrepancy was made with good intentions, not from ignorance.
Hills and mountains were distinguished thusly, roughly -- hills are those areas discernible on a continental map as significant elevations but less than 3000 meters. All elevations greater than 3000 meters are mountains, and (most) snow-capped mountains are those greater than 4000 meters. I could have set the gradation for snow - capped much higher, but I couldn't accept the Swiss Alps without snow. Also, I just plain like snow. My kids are praying for some right now.
I based the resources as accurately as I could from two separate atlases, but I'm open to comments and suggestions to make changes, within reason.
Overall, for terrain, I relied on the above-mentioned Hammond's Comparative Atlas, and a humongous National Geographic Atlas that was a gift to me from a retired Navy friend, Jerry Kleva. Jerry, if you see this post after Googling your own name, thanks again for the atlas.

In addition to the two atlases mentioned above, for resources I referred to Collins Atlas of World History, published 2003. Again, I tried to accurately reflect what the atlases showed. There's a lot of coal; I didn't get happy with it, that is just the way the resource maps show it. If you think there is too much, delete some. As for luxury resources like incense , dyes, and silks, there are very few because the atlases showed very few locations. If you wish to recommend some (free) online sources, I would be happy to investigate them. Also, if anyone wants to donate an old, worn out book to a poor, aspiring computer tech, mail it to P.O. Box 555, Backwoods, Nowhere, ....just kidding. No, really, though, if anyone has a good book they want to donate, you will find a very grateful recipient and great protector of its pages. Liber mihi opus est. ( I need books.)

Starting Locations:
Version 1.3 and 1.4 have starting locations. I hope to create a period scenario with this map (my original intent), so when I get to that point, I will be happy to post that version, if my map generates any interest.

Please feel free to overhaul, modify, change, or otherwise build on this. I would feel honored if anyone considered it a worthwhile start. All I ask is that you include my forum name, Maccabee or a suitable abbreviation (Mac?) in the file name to give due credit to my original work. All comments will be humbly considered, and if time allows, I shall respond. My time is very limited (hence the four months to complete this), so I won't promise to make changes as they are requested. I will try, if time allows and I think they are desired by enough people.
So please consider this humble work in the spirit in which it is intended. I had fun making it (well, most of the time), and I hope someone will have fun using it or adapting it

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