Magil's Wondrous Wonders

Magil's Wondrous Wonders 3.1.0

Quick Notes: This mod improves World Wonders and brings back National Wonders. If you ever felt like Wonders were not worth the investment or just like the concept of National Wonders from previous Civ titles, this mod may be for you!

Originally, I conceptualized this mod as simply adding National Wonders to the game. But as I kept working on them, I realized I was making them more interesting and powerful than World Wonders! So I scaled them back. But I didn't want my ideas to be lost. So I decided... World Wonders are generally kinda "meh", at least that's the impression I've gotten from various people. The competition for early World Wonders isn't very exciting because they aren't nearly powerful enough to consider interrupting expansion or conquest, and later wonders are often considered prohibitively expensive for their relatively minor effects.

So. I decided to overhaul World Wonders, transferring some of the ideas I originally had for National Wonders over to them. I think National Wonders as they are are still interesting enough to implement, so I've done both. However, this modpack is modular and you can remove the WorldWonders folder to change World Wonders back to how they were in the default game (preserving National Wonders), or remove the NationalWonders folder to only play with the World Wonder overhaul.

Note: Thanks to thecrazyscot for the More Theming Bonus mod. I was working on my own adjustments to theming for National Wonders when this popped up, and it does pretty much everything I'd want.

Those mod's changes are included in a separate xml file, ThemingBonus.xml. To make this mod run alongside More Theming Bonuses and/or the Omnibus, remove that xml file from my mod's folder.

How to Install
  • Extract the WondrousWonders folder to Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods.
Latest Changes: Changelog 2.0.0
  • Removed dependency on Aztec DLC.
  • Hanging Gardens no longer provides +15% Growth.
  • Reduced Huey Teocalli's lake food bonus to +1 (down from +3). Culture bonus reduced to +1 as well.
  • Removed district lake adjacencies from Huey Teocalli. Replaced with the following effect: your Holy Site, Campus, Theater Squares, and Industrial Zones get a minor adjacency bonus from coast and lake tiles, and your Commercial Hubs get a standard adjacency bonus from coast and lake tiles.
  • Reduced Estadio do Maracana bonus to district projects to 20%, and removed happiness requirement.
  • Oracle Faith purchase discount to 25% (down from 50%, back to base game value).
  • Ruhr Valley bonus to Industrial Zones adjacent to rivers reduced to 2.
  • Again had to temporarily disable Chinese translation until it is updated.
  • Potala Palace Holy Site faith bonus changed to simply +2 Faith for each building in the district, to be more consistent with the other wonders that do similar things. Overall faith output is the same.
  • Shrine of the Saint tooltip updated to proper effect.
  • Angkor Wat no longer provides +3 Amenities from Entertainment. Instead, it causes your luxury resources provide an Amenity to one additional city.
  • Updated mutually exclusive building tooltip to more accurately represent how National Wonders work.
  • Grand Temple no longer requires you to have founded a religion.
  • Apostolic Palace no longer requires a worship building as a prerequisite. It requires the Grand Temple as a prerequisite and you must have founded a religion to build it.
  • Eiffel Tower no longer provides +50 points towards all current and future Great People. Instead, it adds +5 Tourism to all of your World Wonders.
  • (Rise and Fall) Great Library changed so that it no longer provides +1 Great Writer point, a free Great Writer, or +2 Science from Great Works of Writing. Instead, provides its old bonus of +1 Great Writer point per turn in each city with a Library, and also provides a random Eureka when you earn a Great Writer, in addition to when another player earns a Great Scientist.
  • (Rise and Fall) Statue of Liberty bonuses changed. No longer provides stable loyalty to nearby cities or free settlers. Instead, provides +3 Loyalty per turn and +15% Growth for all cities on your home continent, as well as +10% Production and +25% Gold for all cities on your home continent that have 2 or more specialty districts. Changed Harbor adjacency requirement to City Center.
  • (Rise and Fall) Forbidden City's culture reverted to 5 and no longer has a regional range. Instead, it now causes each of your cities within 6 tiles to always have the maximum amount of loyalty.
  • (Rise and Fall) St. Basil's Cathedral now must be built on Tundra or Tundra Hills tiles adjacent to the City Center. Its Religious Tourism bonus applies to all of your cities, not just the city in which it is built.
  • (Rise and Fall) Taj Mahal grants the city that builds it +20% Production and Growth during a Golden Age, as well as +15% Gold, Science, Culture, and Faith during a Golden Age.
  • (Rise and Fall) Kotoku-in no longer grants +20% Faith. Instead, it grants you a Warrior Monk whenever you construct a Holy Site district, and your Warrior Monks get +6 Combat Strength and +50% Combat Experience. You still must have founded a religion or have a majority religion in the city that builds the Holy Site to receive Warrior Monks.
  • (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing +2 Production for Industrial Zones adjacent to rivers, Ruhr Valley grants 20% Production to all cities within 6 tiles.
  • (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing 1 Science per specialty district in your cities, Oxford University grants 20% Science to all cities within 6 tiles.
  • (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing +10% Faith in all cities, Hagia Sophia provides +20% Faith to all cities within 6 tiles.
  • (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing +10% Culture in all cities, Hermitage provides +20% Culture to all cities within 6 tiles.
At this stage I have more or less implemented most features I feel I can that I have ideas for, but I will continue to make additions/adjustments based on feedback, and do my best to keep the mod as error/bug/conflict-free as I can. I'm relatively new to Civ modding so I can't promise perfection, but I'll keep at it.

Features as of 2.0.0

World Wonder Overhaul: I've finished reworking all World Wonders. Suggestions/comments/feedback on the changes described here are appreciated. In particular, I originally considered reducing production costs of all wonders by 25%, but then I realized that the Wonders I have implemented may be powerful enough to justify the costs, but what do you all think?
Spoiler :

  • Important Note: Unless otherwise stated, Wonders retain all of their original bonuses/yields/GPP in addition to the effects listed here. They all retain all of their original placement requirements unless stated otherwise as well.
  • Stonehenge: Removed Faith yield. Your cities all gain a free Monument building (including newly settled or conquered cities). Your City Center districts with Monuments produce +1 Faith. Can purchase Missionaries with Faith in the city that builds Stonehenge.
  • Oracle: Instead of providing +2 GPP in the city's districts, it provides 20 points towards all current and future Great People upon completion.
  • Hanging Gardens: All of your cities have increased housing as if adjacent to a fresh water source. No longer provides +15% Growth in all cities.
  • Great Lighthouse: Your units can enter Ocean tiles. +1 sight range for naval units. +30% Production in all of your cities towards Harbor districts and buildings in that district.
  • The Pyramids: Provides 2 free builders rather than 1.
  • Colossus: +2 Gold to all your Trade Routes, and an additional +2 Gold to your Intercontinental Trade Routes.
  • The Colosseum: No changes.
  • Petra: Your archeologists can enter foreign lands without an active open borders agreement.
  • Great Library: Removed the tech boost for ancient and classical era technologies. Instead, it has the following effects: Receive 1 free Great Writer. Your Campus districts containing Libraries provide +1 Great Writer point. Great Works of Writing provide +2 Science. Has 3 Great Writing slots, which can be themed. (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing Science for Great Works of Writing and a free Great Writer, triggers the Eureka moment for a random technology whenever you earn a Great Writer.
  • Mahabodi Temple: Woods tiles worked by this city provide +2 Faith and +1 Food when worked. Your Holy Site districts gain +2 Production for every building in the district. 1 Relic slot.
  • Terracotta Army: Removed the archaeologist buff (moved to Petra). Whenever you produce a military land unit in this city, you receive a second copy of that unit.
  • Hagia Sophia: +10% Faith in your cities. Your Holy Site districts gain +2 Science for every building in the district. 2 Relic slots. (Rise and Fall) Instead of +10% Faith in all cities, provides +20% Faith in cities within 6 tiles.
  • Alhambra: +4 Culture. When you score a combat kill with a land unit, gain 3 Great General Points.
  • Chichen Itza: Provides a one-time Faith boost equal to ten times you current Culture-per-turn upon completion. 1 Relic slot.
  • Mont St. Michel: Relics provide +1 Culture. Your Holy Site districts gain +1 Culture for every building in the district. Your religious units gain +5 Strength in Theological Combat.
  • Venetian Arsenal: Removed original benefits. When you produce a naval unit in this city, you receive a second copy of that unit. +20% Production in your coastal cities. +1 Production to coast tiles in your empire.
  • Great Zimbabwe: No longer needs to be placed next to Cattle. Local trade route bonus based on bonus resources removed. Now provides a global +1 Gold to trade routes for each of your trading posts the route paths through in both your cities and foreign cities.
  • Forbidden City: Reduced Culture yield to 3. Now provides this Culture to each city within 6 tiles. 1 slot for any Great Work or Relic. (Rise and Fall) Culture yield no longer regional and restored to 5. Cities within 6 tiles are always at maximum loyalty.
  • Potala Palace: Removed Faith yield. Your Holy Site districts get +2 Faith for each building in the district. 1 slot for any Great Work or Relic.
  • Bolshoi Theater: Cities within 6 tiles gain 3 amenities from Entertainment.
  • Oxford University: Removed %-based local Science Buff. Retains 2 free technologies upon completion. Each city in your empire gains +1 science for every specialty district it constructs. Has 3 Great Writing slots, which can be themed. (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing 1 science per specialty district in your cities, grants +20% Science to cities within 6 tiles.
  • Ruhr Valley: Removed all original effects. Now provides +1 Production to each Mine, Quarry, and Lumber Mill in your territory when the improvement is adjacent to a river. Industrial Zones adjacent to rivers gain +2 Production. (Rise and Fall) Instead of providing +2 Production to Industrial Zones adjacent to rivers, grants +20% Production to cities within 6 tiles.
  • Hermitage: +10% Culture in all of your cities. +3 Culture from Great Works of Art. Can now be themed (4 slots for Art). (Rise and Fall) Instead of +10% Culture to all cities, grants +20% Culture to cities within 6 tiles of Hermitage.
  • Big Ben: No changes.
  • Eiffel Tower: Your World Wonders get +5 Tourism.
  • Broadway: Removed 1 random atomic era civic boost and +20% Culture. +30% Great Merchant, Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician points. Great Work slots changed to 3 music slots, which can be themed.
  • Cristo Redentor: Your Holy Site districts generate +10 Tourism. 3 Relic slots. No longer provides full religious Tourism towards Civs with the Enlightenment (the Apostolic Palace provides this benefit).
  • Sydney Opera House: +50% Tourism in all of your cities. +8 Gold to Great Works of Music. Can be themed.
  • Estadio de Maracana: All of your cities gain +20% Production towards district projects. Increased amenities provided to all cities to 3.
  • Huey Teocalli: Local bonus to amenities from lake tiles preserved. Other bonuses changed to the following: +1 Food and +1 Culture for each lake tile in your empire. Your Campus, Theater, Holy Site, and Industrial Zone districts gain a minor adjacency bonus for coast and lake tiles. Your Commercial Hub districts gain a standard adjacency bonus for coast and lake tiles.
  • Apadana: Changed benefits to the following: Provides 1 Envoy when built, and an additional Enovy when you build a Wonder in any of your cities (including Apadana). Provides +3 Influence points per turn.
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus: +3 Great Admiral points per combat kill using naval units. +1 Great Admiral and +1 Great Engineer points per turn.
  • Angkor Wat: +3 Amenities in the city that builds it.
  • Jebel Barkal: Receive Faith equal to 25% of a unit's production cost when you produce a non-military unit in any of your cities.
  • (Rise and Fall) Statue of Liberty: Removed free Settlers and guaranteed loyalty. Now provides +3 Loyalty per turn and +15% Growth for all cities on your home continent, as well as +10% Production and +25% Gold for all cities on your home continent that have 2 or more specialty districts. Changed Harbor adjacency requirement to City Center.
  • (Rise and Fall) Taj Mahal: When you are in a Golden Age, the city that builds this Wonder gets +20% Production and Growth, as well as +15% Science, Gold, Faith, and Culture.
  • (Rise and Fall) Kotoku-in: No longer provides +20% Faith. Instead, receive a Warrior Monk when you finish a Holy Site. Your Warrior Monks receive +6 Combat Strength and +50% Combat Experience. The normal requirements apply for receiving Warrior Monks (you must have founded a religion, or the city must have a majority religion).
  • (Rise and Fall) St. Basil's Cathedral: Must be built on Tundra or Tundra Hills. +100% Religious Tourism applies to all your cities, not just the city that builds this Wonder.

National Wonders: You can only construct one of a National Wonder in your empire. You can still construct National Wonders even if another civilization has constructed it. National Wonders are also largely mutually exclusive on a city-by-city basis, you cannot build them all in the same city. There are some general exceptions: like buildings, National Wonders are not built on the map. Unfortunately they also have no graphical representation on the map because I'm not an art assets guru. You can construct National Wonders that are constructed in the same district in the same city: for example, the Library of National History and the National College both require the Campus district, and can be in the same city, but are exclusive with the Heroic Epic, which requires the Encampment district.

Some more specific exceptions to the above rule: the International Airport is built in the Aerodrome and is exclusive only with National Wonders that appear in the Campus, Commercial Hub, Industrial Zone, and Encampment districts (not Holy Site, Theater Square, or Entertainment Complex districts). The National Wonders that appear in the Entertainment Complex are exclusive only with each other (as a special exception) and National Wonders that appear in the Campus, Industrial Zone, and Encampment Districts. The Writer's Guild, Artist's Guild, and Musician's Guild are exclusive only with each other. The National Epic is not exclusive with any other National Wonder.

All National Wonders give +10 Fortification health, which lets them function as very weak walls. They give cities a ranged attack. This was done so they would be destroyed upon city capture rather than allow multiple National Wonders to be acquired via conquest.

National Wonders are currently all unlocked in the civic tree. Their production cost is around half the base cost of a World Wonder at the same point in the tech tree, though some are improvised. These numbers/civics are very much subject to change.
Spoiler :

  • Library of National History: Campus district. Requires Library. Provides science equal to the science output of this district. +15% Science in this city. +1 Great Scientist point, 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. Can be themed. Unlocked at Recorded History.
  • National College: Campus district. Requires University. +3 Culture, +15% Science in this city. Upon completion, provides a one-time science boost equal to five times your current Culture per turn. +2 Great Scientist points, 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. Can be themed. Unlocked at The Enlightenment.
  • National Research Institute: Campus district. Requires Research Lab. +50% towards Space Race projects in all cities. Upon completion, grants the Eureka boost for the Nuclear Fusion and Satellites technologies. +3 Great Scientist and Great Engineer points. Unlocked at Space Race.
  • Shrine of the Saint: Holy Site district. Your Holy Site districts gain +2 Gold for every building in the district. . Provides faith equal to the faith output of this district. +3 Great Prophet points, 2 slots for Relics. Unlocked at Mysticism.
  • Grand Temple: Holy Site district. Requires Temple. +1 Great Writer point from Holy Sites, +1 Great Artist point from Shrines, and +1 Great Musician point from Temples. Religious works of Art provide +4 Faith, and other Great Works of Art provide +2 Faith. 3 Slots for Religious Works of Art or Sculptures. Can be themed. Unlocked at Divine Right.
  • Apostolic Palace: Holy Site district. Requires Grand Temple and founded religion. Removes the Enlightenment penalty for Tourism from your relics and holy cities. Your apostles can choose from any available promotion instead of being randomly assigned two to choose from. +30% Faith in this city. 2 slots for Religious Art and 2 slots for Relics. Unlocked at Reformed Church.
  • Heroic Epic: Encampment district. Requires Barracks or Stable. Land military units trained in this city receive one free promotion. When you train a non-civilian in this city, receive 25% of its production cost as Culture. +2 Culture, +1 Great Writer point, 1 slot for Great Works of Writing. Unlocked at Military Tradition.
  • State Armory: Encampment district. Requires Armory. +50% Production in this city towards military units. Reduces unit maintenance by 1 gold per unit. +1 Great General and +1 Great Engineer point. Unlocked at Mercenaries.
  • National Academy: Encampment district. Requires Military Academy. Land units trained in this city receive +100% Experience and +4 Combat Strength. +1 Culture, +3 Science, and +3 Great General points. Unlocked at Mobilization.
  • Grand Bazaar: Commercial Hub district. Requires Market. +1 Trade Route capacity and a free Trader unit appears in this city. Foreign trade routes to this city provide +6 Gold for both cities. Each luxury or bonus resourced worked by this city provides +2 Gold. +1 Great Merchant points. Unlocked at Mercantilism.
  • National Treasury: Commercial Hub district. Requires Bank. +30% Gold in this city. Provides gold equal to the gold output of this district. Upon completion, Provides a one-time gold boost equal to five times your current gold per turn (before expenses). +2 Great Merchant points. Unlocked at Capitalism.
  • Writer's Guild: Theater Square district. Requires Amphitheater. Each district in this city that generates Great People points generates 1 additional Great Writer point. +2 Culture. 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. Unlocked at Guilds.
  • Artist's Guild: Theater Square district. Requires Amphitheater. Each district in this city that generates Great People points generates 1 additional Great Artist point. +2 Culture. 3 slots for Great Works of Art. Unlocked at Guilds.
  • Musician's Guild: Theater Square district. Requires Amphitheater. Each district in this city that generates Great People points generates 1 additional Great Musician point. +2 Culture. 2 Slots of Great Works of Music. Unlocked at Guilds.
  • National Heritage Site: Theater Square district. Requires Art Museum or Archaeological Museum. +30% Culture in this city. Provides culture equal to the culture output of this district. Has 2 Great Writing slots, 3 Great Art slots, and 1 Great Music slots, automatically themed when filled. +2 Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician points. Unlocked at Cultural Heritage.
  • Circus Maximus: Entertainment complex. Requires Arena. Provides +2 amenities for each city within 6 tiles. +1 Great Engineer and Great Writer points. Unlocked at Medieval Fairs.
  • Grand Menagerie: Entertainment complex. Requires Zoo. Provides +1 amenity for all of your cities. +1 Great Merchant, Great Engineer, Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician points. Unlocked at Conservation.
  • International Airport: Aerodrome district. Requires Airport. +100% Tourism from this city towards other civilizations in the Modern era or later. +25 Tourism in this Aerodrome district. Provides +3 Culture and +4 Production to each city center within 6 tiles of this Aerodrome district. +3 Great Merchant points. Unlocked at Rapid Deployment.
  • Ironworks: Industrial zone district. Requires Workshop. Provides +5 Production to each city center within 6 tiles. +1 Production to each strategic resource worked by this city. +1 Great Engineer points. Unlocked at Civil Service.
  • National Industrial Complex: Industrial zone district. Requires Factory. Provides Production equal to the Production output of this district. +30% Production in this city. +2 Great Engineer points. Unlocked at Urbanization.
  • National Epic: City Center. Requires Monument. Each district in this city provides +1 Great Person point of the corresponding type (+1 Artist/Musician point from a Theater Square). Allows you to build one more district than the normal population limit would allow in this city. +1 Culture, +1 Great Writer point, 1 slot for any Great Work or Relic. Unlocked at Craftsmanship.

Special Notes
  • Altering the base game code is no longer necessary for asset modding, the mod now handles that. No more replacing files in your Steam folder!
  • This mod may speed up the pace of the game. It may be best used in conjunction with a mod that slows down the tech pace. I personally use 8 Ages of Pace. This is a personal taste thing.
  • Again, this mod is modular. You can run with only the World Wonder overhaul (no National Wonders) by removing the NationalWonders folder. If you only want National Wonders, remove the WorldWonders folder. ThemingBonus.xml contains most theming bonus changes, so you can remove that too if you don't like that (adding theming bonuses to writing/music slots).
Compatibility Notes:
  • Mods that include a Production Queue have been reported to not properly support National Wonders (MaxPlayerInstances), but I have not been able to replicate this issue. It seems to work fine on my end, but if you can provide a save file that demonstrates the conflict, I will look into it.
  • Remove ThemingBonus.xml to make it play nice with other mods that alter theming bonuses of buildings and wonders, like thecrazyscot's Omnibus mod. Pretty sure that's the only real conflict there.
  • Any mod that messes with World Wonders has the potential to conflict with this mod, though if they only touch theming bonuses the above should be enough to fix it.
  • National Wonders largely stand alone and should play nice with just about anything, aside from mods that remove certain buildings and/or districts.
  • The World Wonder overhaul is in the WorldWonders folder, and the National Wonders are in the NationalWonders folder.
  • This mod should not be run alongside the following mods as it has already been integrated into them in part or in whole: Test of Time, the Balancer, Ananse's BFG Modpack, and Mouse's Rise of Mankind.
Known Issues:
  • If you are gifted a city containing a National Wonder (or get it as part of a peace deal), it may allow you to have multiple copies.
Future Plans
  • Further adjustment based on feedback.
Final Notes: While this mod is much more complete than before, this is hardly a final product in my eyes. I am always looking for feedback as to how to change things and what to adjust.

Enjoy and happy civving. All positive or negative comments are very much appreciated.

Some Screenshots
Spoiler :

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Gathering Storm update.

    Check OP for details.
  2. Fix and Update

    This update fixes and issue with the National Industrial Complex, and removes defensive wall...
  3. Compatibility update for Gathering Storm.

    Changelog 3.0.5 Compatibility update for Gathering Storm. Converted internal files to SQL. Fix...
  4. ZIP File

    By request, a *.zip version is now up for download.
  5. First Update for Rise and Fall

    Changelog 2.0.0 Removed dependency on Aztec DLC. Hanging Gardens no longer provides +15%...
  6. Update 1.9.2

    Changelog 1.9.2 Jebel Barkal no longer allows you to purchase units with faith. Instead, it has...
  7. Belated pdate for DLC Wonders, Civs, and patches

    Changelog 1.9.1 Fixed Terracotta Army and Venetian Arsenal providing three units rather than...
  8. Hopefully fixed

    This update should hopefully make the mod compatible with the newest patch.
  9. Synced to Steam Version

    By request.
  10. Australian Summer Update

    The following has changed in this version: The Great Lighthouse no longer provides a free...

Latest reviews

very good work and ideas. A bit overpowered, but magil also advices to use other mods that slow down the game.
Finally, a mod that makes wonders worth building!
This mod bring back national wonders to Civ6, a much needed addition. They are well balanced and require Civics to unlock, fills the Civics out, which was also needed, makes them feel less empty. Kudos!
Really enjoyed playing with this mod during my last game. The change to Stonehenge was really appreciated.
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