middle-earth map (Version 5)
Map size: 80x80, but a lot of wold.
1. screenshot: Gondor and Mordor
2. screenshot: global view
3. screenshot: Rohan
4. screenshot: The Shire
Civilizations: 12
Gondor - Greek,
Arthedain - Iroquois,
Rohan - Russian,
Isengard - Persian,
Orcs - German,
Mordor - Mongols,
Corsairs - Ottomans,
Swarthy Men - Songhai,
Noldor Elves - American,
Silvan Elves - Chinese,
Dwarves - Roman,
Dragons - Japan
Citystates: 12
Angmar - Belgrade,
The Shire - Dublin,
Rivendell - Monaco,
Dunland - Edinburgh,
Fangorn - Hanoi,
Rhosgobel - Helsinki,
Woodland - Sidon,
Dale - Stockholm,
Dorwinion - Rio de Janeiro,
Rhovanion - Budapest,
Harad - Tyre,
Khand - Almaty
The unpacked file has to be placed in your ...\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meiers Civilization V\Maps\. Run the map from the Mods menu in game. Dont forget to mark the button left of "Load Scenario" under "Map Type: Middle-earth "
You are welcome to make a mod, scenario or whatever you want with it, good luck!
Version 2:
- Resource amount raised
- Start Position of Mordor and Orcs of Gundabad improved
Version 3:
- Civs changed
- Mongolian Empire integrated
Version 4:
- A bit of everything
Version 5:
- more balance, new nw integrated
Comments and suggestions welcome.
Map size: 80x80, but a lot of wold.
1. screenshot: Gondor and Mordor
2. screenshot: global view
3. screenshot: Rohan
4. screenshot: The Shire
Civilizations: 12
Gondor - Greek,
Arthedain - Iroquois,
Rohan - Russian,
Isengard - Persian,
Orcs - German,
Mordor - Mongols,
Corsairs - Ottomans,
Swarthy Men - Songhai,
Noldor Elves - American,
Silvan Elves - Chinese,
Dwarves - Roman,
Dragons - Japan
Citystates: 12
Angmar - Belgrade,
The Shire - Dublin,
Rivendell - Monaco,
Dunland - Edinburgh,
Fangorn - Hanoi,
Rhosgobel - Helsinki,
Woodland - Sidon,
Dale - Stockholm,
Dorwinion - Rio de Janeiro,
Rhovanion - Budapest,
Harad - Tyre,
Khand - Almaty
The unpacked file has to be placed in your ...\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meiers Civilization V\Maps\. Run the map from the Mods menu in game. Dont forget to mark the button left of "Load Scenario" under "Map Type: Middle-earth "
You are welcome to make a mod, scenario or whatever you want with it, good luck!
Version 2:
- Resource amount raised
- Start Position of Mordor and Orcs of Gundabad improved
Version 3:
- Civs changed
- Mongolian Empire integrated
Version 4:
- A bit of everything
Version 5:
- more balance, new nw integrated
Comments and suggestions welcome.