New Era Settler +Walls

New Era Settler +Walls 1.60

This mod slows the expansion of civilizations in early game by limiting Settler availability and early city capture. A free Settler is granted at no cost with each new era*. Cities will automatically receive Ancient Walls, and City-States will have improved walls. Settlers become Builders upon capture, preventing enemy civilizations from expanding too quickly. If you choose not to wait, producing a Settler requires 10 population and costs 400 production (500%) while reducing 3 population once completed. AI is restricted to one starting Settler, unless set to Immortal difficulty where they will receive another upon founding their Capital.

*Since the introduction of World Eras with the Expansion Packs, players of Rise & Fall and Gathering Storm will trigger a new Settler upon reaching the same era as the current World Era, or when the World Era reaches an era you have completed. Vanilla players will immediately receive a Settler upon reaching each new era.

Compatible with Civilization VI (base game), Rise & Fall, and Gathering Storm.

INSTALLATION: Download and extract file contents into Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\

Open Civilization VI. From the menu go to Additional Content, then choose Mods. Left-click on the mod, and press the Enable button. Then, START A NEW GAME.

New Era Settler Production Cost.jpg
New Era Settler Purchase Cost.jpg

REMEMBER TO ENABLE MOD! Open Civilization VI. From the menu go to Additional Content, then choose Mods. Left-click on the mod, and press the Enable button. Start a new game.
Das Capitolin
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.60: Resolved dependency issue.

    Version 1.60: Resolved dependency issue.
  2. New Era Settler +Walls 1.59

    Version 1.59: Revised AiFavoredItems Settler unit production priority.
  3. 1.56

    Version 1.56: AI receives one bonus starting Settler after founding capitol city on Deity...
  4. 1.55

    Version 1.55: New Settler is granted at no cost with each new era. Cities automatically receive...
  5. 1.50

    Version 1.50: Implemented free Ancient Walls for all founded cities, and improved walls for all...
  6. 1.43

    Version 1.43: Corrected value in OP_SETTLE that prevented AI from desiring to settle. (Sorry!)
  7. 1.42

    Version 1.42: Resolved [Gameplay] ERROR: near "UPDATE": syntax error.
  8. 1.41

    Version 1.41: Corrects missing file names in .modinfo. (Sorry) Note: [Gameplay] ERROR: near...
  9. 1.4

    Version 1.4: Revised database IDs to correct syntax error, and allow for better debug...
  10. 1.3

    Version 1.3: OP_SETTLE Reduced to 0 value and priority to eliminate AI desire to produce Settler...

Latest reviews

Excellent thank you! Just what I needed.
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