Wonder Splashes with additional info like: benefit of wonder, expiration of wonder, culture, will be it a tourist attraction and civ traits that will trigger a golden age. The Picture is totally un-obstructed due to the fact that the information has been move outside the original splash. There new splashes for the epic games and for several of the Conquests scenarios. There are new widescreen and regular backgrounds as well.
Recommend you go to the link as there are many more downloads for the Conquests Scenarios and more. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=72787
Winner of Splash Graphics of the Decade 2001 - 2011!
Recommend you go to the link as there are many more downloads for the Conquests Scenarios and more. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=72787
Winner of Splash Graphics of the Decade 2001 - 2011!