Skipper's Tweaks

Skipper's Tweaks 1.5.0

This mod originally started as a simple tweak, allowing cavalry to upgrade into tanks so they didn't just deadend. It soon ballooned in scope and evolved into the form you see today, a total sweeping balance update to the existing game while trying to maintain the spirit of the vanilla experience. Improvements have been made to all aspects of the game, from graphics to units to wonders! A full changelog can be found in a .txt file in the mod folder.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Update 1.5.0: Chariots, Traits and Sprites, oh my!

    Hello, loyal players! It's been quite a while since the last update, eh? Well regardless, patch...
  2. Version 1.4.2: Civilopedia corrections

    Hey all! Sorry its been a while since I updated this (had my focus elsewhere for a while) but...
  3. Update 1.4.1 Hotfix: UU Upgrade fix

    Hey all! I noticed with the 1.4.0 Patch (though this was likely an issue already) that many...
  4. Update 1.4.0: Now with enhanced graphics!

    Hey all! Before I turn you over to the patch notes, I want to announce that I've included both...
  5. Update 1.3.0

    Patch 1.3.0: - Leonardo's Workshop now boosts the production of the city in which it is built by...
  6. Update 1.2.0

    Patch 1.2.0: - Crusaders can now build Barricades as well as Forts - Arquebusier now has 3/5/1...
  7. Update 1.1.0

    Patch 1.1.0: - Renamed "Ancient Cavalry" to "Companion Cavalry" - Galley now has 2/1/3 (was...
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