Strategic geography MOD

Strategic geography MOD v.1.0.Alpha

Strategic geography MOD v. 1.0 - Alpha

What this Mod attempt to do amongst other things is to make use of hills for example as a strategically Position.

This Mod is Changing Day by Day, and the Development is going in an Direktion, where we (me and Tovarish for now) want to create a Mod that, focus on terrain and geographic features, trying to make things more realistic or enhance the Gameplay, and there could be features that are not directly related to geography.

We are Mod builder Beginners, and are still learning every day, it´s a lot of fun.

This Mod is an still an Alpha version, and not every feature works Perfekt, it still can be buggy, things will be added or removed overtime..

If you are intrested just give this Mod a Try, and we would be happy if you leave a Comment,

-What do you think about the features,
-What do you like,
-Do you have any Ideas or suggestions

Thank you very much and have fun

Here in Detail all changes:

1. Encampments gain + 100 torward City Fortification when Build on a Hill (Works)
2. Forrest Defense Modifikator is raised to 4 (Works)
3. Jungle Defense Modifikator is raised to 5 (Works)
4. Fort Defense Modifikator is raised to 6 (Works)
5. Citys Gain 1+ Extra Attack Range when Build on a Hill (Testing)
6. All Capital Citys and City Staates Start with an Ancient Wall (Works)
7. +20% Growth in City´s when build on rice or wheat resource (Works)

8. Unit Ability´s

a. + 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill (Works)
b. + 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill (Testing)
c. + 1 Extra Attack Range on Hills (Works)
d. - 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles (Works)
e. Cannot Attack Marsh (Testing)
f. See Through Jungle and Forest when on a Hill (Works)
g. See Hidden Units when on a Hill (Works)
h. Unit is Hidden in Forrest or Jungle (Testing)
i. + 1 Extra Attack when on a Hill (Works)


+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack Range on Hills
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles


+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack Range on Hills

+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
+ 1 Extra Attack when on a Hill
Cannot Attack Marsh

+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles

+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
+ 1 Extra Attack when on a Hill
Cannot Attack Marsh


+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill

+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
+ 2 Extra Sight Range On Encampments or Forts that are Build on a Hill
See Through Jungle and Forest when on a Hill
See Hidden Units when on a Hill
Unit is Hidden in Forrest or Jungle

+ 1 Extra Sight Range on a Hill
- 5 Reduced Combat Strenght when Attacking Forrest or Jungles
Cannot Attack Marsh

Thanks MR.Pat
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Latest reviews

An idea unseen before. There is a room for it's expansion, but plays cool already
nice twitches
how is this compatible with other mods?
Hey Frank, to be honest, i dont know how it Works with other Mods, but it shouldnt make any problems as long these other Mods dont change the same Values, thanks for the Reply ;)
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