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Terrain Pack: Rocky 2016-10-05

For your modding enjoyment.. a set of Terrain Textures for use in Civ4 or Civ4 Colonization! This pack contains several dozen rocky and rugged terrains including several with rare mineral and gemstone deposits. Thanks to SpiralGraphics.biz for making a set of royalty-free seamless texture jpgs available for download.

To use a terrain texture:
To use a terrain texture:
1) copy your desired textures (and the included LandBlend.dds & LandGrids.dds) into your Assets/Art/Terrain/Textures folder
2) edit your Assets/XML/Art/CIV4ArtDefines_Terrain.xml file, create a new entry for your terrain and set <Path> and <Grid> to:
3) set <Detail> to the path for your desired texture, e.g.
4) if modding in Civ4 instead of Colonization, download the attached btsterrain.zip from the top post in the forum thread, and copy the included files to your mods Art/Terrain/Textures folder

I've only tested these in Colonization so far, but I think they should work in basic Civ4 as well.
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