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The monstrosity 2.0 beta2

This update include all islands and volcanoes that exist in the world.

The terrain in Europe is an exact (but also stretched to fit this map) duplicate from an actual earth map as far as the rivers, hills and mountains is concerned.
I allocated as much space as I could for Europe. It cannot be improved further.

I increased the Middle East space so the local civilizations have more room to expand.

Mediterranean sea is also improved (further distance between Africa and Italy/Greece/Spain).

The Suez canal is a bit better.

The sea North of Europe is connected with Atlantic sea.

The Scandinavian terrain is a little bit smaller in favor of Europe.

After correctly placing mountains and rivers I will make small adjustments to terrain.
Nothing serious yet, some minor resource additions and some terrain improvements.
- Erased the second starting location for Hittites.

- Fixed the starting location of Zulus (had been resetted, idk why).
- I fixed the starting location of Hittites. I place them to modern day Syria territory.

I know they should be placed at south Turkey. The new place, gives some breathing room to the civs around there (they are just too many). If it's a mistake I will fix it.

- The goody huts are reduced by 70%.

- Minor fixes to coast and sea tiles.
This is embarrassing for me ... really.

I fixed the second starting location for Celts.

Now they properly start only on North Spain, not West Africa.
Starting locations are fixed.
Europe has more bonus resources.
West Europe has more space.
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