NOTE: This is an alpha version of this mod (currently in playtesting).
Report bugs here.
This mod simulates, in general, a Mediterranean/Ancient Near East-like world moving from the bronze age to late antiquity (~1800 BCE to ~500 CE). The preferred game mode is a new game, with a custom-made map, though a player could certainly load a pre-made map. I would not recommend it, though, as the concept of exploring a new map is of great importance to the player and to game balance.
Distilling such a varied and epic era into its essentials was/is no easy task. Liberties have been taken, generalizations applied. I hope these balance with some of the details I’ve put into the overall experience. I'd say the game is fairly similar to the base game in operation, but with several added choices and consequences. Civs include a variety of civilizations or peoples that occupied those regions during the entire time. I tried to put them into similar categories (i.e., you'd never have the Parthians and the Achaemenids in the same game).
Here are some nutshell features that are operating correctly (some light spoilers, FYI):
While this is a mod, there are numerous "scenario" elements that take the player down certain paths. In contrast to the base game, Population and Wonders contribute greatly to the final score. It can be said that the civilization with the most people and the most wonders will win the game. Or, of course, you could conquer the world.
This is a 1.0 alpha version. Fixes are expected. Please report bugs to the Triumph and Tragedy thread in the Civ2 Scenario League forum.
Report bugs here.
This mod simulates, in general, a Mediterranean/Ancient Near East-like world moving from the bronze age to late antiquity (~1800 BCE to ~500 CE). The preferred game mode is a new game, with a custom-made map, though a player could certainly load a pre-made map. I would not recommend it, though, as the concept of exploring a new map is of great importance to the player and to game balance.
Distilling such a varied and epic era into its essentials was/is no easy task. Liberties have been taken, generalizations applied. I hope these balance with some of the details I’ve put into the overall experience. I'd say the game is fairly similar to the base game in operation, but with several added choices and consequences. Civs include a variety of civilizations or peoples that occupied those regions during the entire time. I tried to put them into similar categories (i.e., you'd never have the Parthians and the Achaemenids in the same game).
Here are some nutshell features that are operating correctly (some light spoilers, FYI):
- “Tribes” which generate throughout the game. These can be negotiated with by Envoy units early on, and later on, most high-end military units can attack and remove them forcibly. Using an Envoy, however, results in a list of choices that the player can do related to that tribe type. There are 3 tribe types: builders, merchants, and mercenaries.
- Special events that create choices for the player, which depend on the game year, tech acquired, etc. Events range from disasters to religious, and can impact a range of game stats as you go. Some are based on decisions you made previously, others random, and a lot of the choices/results also change depending on circumstances (aiming for high replayability).
- Special units that have been Lua-ed (e.g., shepherds that provide extra food to cities, different types of generals, priests)
- Late game ability to “urbanize” certain tiles
- Various unique units that can only be obtained through choices you make
While this is a mod, there are numerous "scenario" elements that take the player down certain paths. In contrast to the base game, Population and Wonders contribute greatly to the final score. It can be said that the civilization with the most people and the most wonders will win the game. Or, of course, you could conquer the world.
This is a 1.0 alpha version. Fixes are expected. Please report bugs to the Triumph and Tragedy thread in the Civ2 Scenario League forum.