UN Earth Maps with TSL [RF+GS+NFP+LP]

UN Earth Maps with TSL [RF+GS+NFP+LP] 43

Added TSLs for Rulers of England DLC.
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Added TSLs for Great Builders DLC of Leader Pass.
Also removed "AEP" suffix from map names for brevity.
Added TSLs for Rulers of the Sahara pack.
Add TSLs for Rulers of China DLC [LP]
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TSL maps can use the Natural Wonder selection list in Advanced Settings for game setup.
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Add TSLs for Great Commanders DLC pack 2 of Leader Pass.
Added true starts for Leader Pass Pack 1, Great Negotiators.
Julius Caesar added to TSL maps.
Hotfix for TSL.
(This is why they say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"!) :rolleyes:
Adds missing ice shelf refactoring to rest of maps
1. Bugfix Anshan CS TSL.
2. Fixed tundra generation.
3. Ice shelf minor refactoring.
For better balance and aesthetics:
  1. Use of radial variance fractal for terrain banding.
  2. Geographically accurate terrain representation.
Misc. bug fixes.
Removed hemisphere maps, "Top", "Bottom" and their corresponding TSL versions, as those maps sizes are unsupported in Civ VI.
Renamed "The Ancient World" map to "The Old World" in lieu of the forthcoming game of the same name from Mohawk Games.
With the Apr 2021 Update, TSL support has been ironed out for City State selection. No longer for advanced users only. The TSL maps should be easy to use for anyone.
TSL for Portugal and Mogadishu.
Fez TSL fix/adjustment.
TSL for Babylon, Vietnam and Kublai Khan
1. Revised true start assignments. Better error handling and working around bad TSLs on the scrambled maps.
2. TSL fix for Singapore on Standard Rules and R&F.
Major update bringing maps up to date with Dec 2020 Update.

Most notably support for GS climate system (esp. river flooding). Slightly re-worked TSL support for the map pack.
To prevent the AI circumnavigating the map via the north pole on some map seeds, the arctic shelf was made slightly larger.
Using Civ VI default for great lakes. Vilnius was removed cos of frequent blocking by Europeans in TSL mode.
A very slight adjust to ice shelf density to prevent navigation via the ice poles.
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