World War 3 in the Pacific
Description: As the super powers continue to grow ever more powerful talk of war is in the air. While China continues to grow stronger the smaller nations seek to Allie them self's with there neighbours. In order to have a chance if china decided to attack them. Some of the old powers remain defiant using there strength as a deterrent. Indonesia under its new Islamic government has grown increasingly stronger in recent times. The worlds once again drifting towards war who will be the victor?
Install guide: Place the scenario file "WW3PACIF.SCN" into the civ2 folder and run the game. The Scenario should be in the Begin Scenario menu in the main menu.
Map and Scenario
Made By Wonx2150
Any problems, comments or suggestions. Contact me
Description: As the super powers continue to grow ever more powerful talk of war is in the air. While China continues to grow stronger the smaller nations seek to Allie them self's with there neighbours. In order to have a chance if china decided to attack them. Some of the old powers remain defiant using there strength as a deterrent. Indonesia under its new Islamic government has grown increasingly stronger in recent times. The worlds once again drifting towards war who will be the victor?
Install guide: Place the scenario file "WW3PACIF.SCN" into the civ2 folder and run the game. The Scenario should be in the Begin Scenario menu in the main menu.

Map and Scenario
Made By Wonx2150
Any problems, comments or suggestions. Contact me