1. Civ3 C3c Scientific Leaders

    Civ3 C3c Scientific Leaders

    Two SGLs at the time when in Scientific Discovery Age! Got two more after that before victory via SS
  2. Africa Pollutionized

    Africa Pollutionized

    I have all Africa destroyed with ICBMs and tactical nukes. Check the screen with longest cultural victory for stats.
  3. Tanks Of Justice

    Tanks Of Justice

    Check the game with longest cultural victory, this one is from it. All Africa was wiped out with nuclear weapons and the cities destroyed.
  4. Top5 Cities

    Top5 Cities

    Ompressive population huh. Cultural victory was achieved in Hatussas, 320x320 map, check the screen with longest cultural victory, this one is from it!
  5. Longest Game

    Longest Game

    Map is 320x320 with all the civs. Each turn toke about 30-40 minutes, with all other things slowed down. Dificulty: Monarch
  6. Googleciv - Hoover Dam

    Googleciv - Hoover Dam

    This is a snapshot of the Hoover Dam as part of the GoogleCiv project. This is to differenciate between world and national wonders, and a demonstration of the additional buildings from Civilization III and earlier.
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