
  1. D

    Dags Hard Dark Age Mod

    During dark ages, civilizations are given 4 possible penalties and may chose 1 to NOT receive. No era scoring bonuses (have adjusted golden age point system slightly). Adjusted the happiness system slightly, you will face tougher unhappiness penalties. Monumentality - Cannot train civilian...
  2. M

    no era points from goody huts

    Hi i'm new to modding. all i did so far was alter some existing mods, and alter .xml files directly. my biggest problem is finding what to alter. because there are so many .xml files. I'm trying to create a mod that removes the era points from goody huts(i like exploration and playing with...
  3. M

    no era points from goody huts

    Hi i'm new to modding. all i did so far was alter some existing mods, and alter .xml files directly. my biggest problem is finding what to alter. because there are so many .xml files. I'm trying to create a mod that removes the era points from goody huts(i like exploration and playing with...
  4. C

    [GS] [REQUEST] Moddable/dynamic values for age thresholds

    Hi, Sorry if this was already mentioned, but couldn't find it. I would like a mod that changes the values for the dark/normal/golden ages' thresholds based on the game speed. Right now it's the same value when playing standard and marathon, for example. At the moment, the values that need to...
  5. CBE Player

    C4 Colonization Age of Discovery Files?

    Hello, I was attempting to show C4col AOD2 off to someone and found out the files are all corrupted somehow. So when I went to download them they are no longer available on Does anyone still have the latest edition? Thanks!
  6. S

    Golden Age points for spreading Religion

    Would this possible with XML/SQL, or does it require LUA? There is a thread discussing a similar topic here: Is there a way to tie the creation of Golden Age points specifically to the...
  7. The Germany Golden Age

    The Germany Golden Age

    I have built the Mausoleum of Maussollos and consumed two great people to get 18 beautiful golden years.
  8. Bronze Age Tech Tree

    Bronze Age Tech Tree

    Bronze Age Tech Tree
  9. Age of Scientific Discovery

    Age of Scientific Discovery

  10. Dawn of New Age

    Dawn of New Age

    Industrial Era has arrived.
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