ai battle

  1. CMSBile

    [BTS] AI Tournament Season 4

    Season three was four years ago so I decided to make a new season! Yay! A randomizing program will be used to decide matchups These are the matchups. There are going to be 4 rounds of 13 followed by 2 rounds of 6 followed by 1 round of 6. Top in points at the end of the game determines...
  2. Gwoxenox

    What difficulty does Autoplay AI use?

    So I recently downloaded Gedemon's autoplay mod as well as using FireTuner's autoplay function, and I've been experimenting with various AI battle royales. At first I started selecting Prince difficulty as the wiki states that this is the difficulty where the human and AI players have no bonuses...
  3. Titus Andronicus

    Smart City States in Civ V (Civ 6 as well?)

    In some games, usually playing king or emperor, I have often seen City States take on a Civ during wartime and capture a city. In one game, a City State took Washington DC, which ended up being razed ! It's interesting that the "one city challenge" applies to City States where they are unable...
  4. Zeusmoltar9

    AI Battle Testing Mini Series

    I used to run AI battles in Civ 5, it's something that we currently were unable to do without hacking in with fire-tuner which doesn't really work very well with Civ 6 (and it shouldn't, it was designed for civ 5). After Gedemon over at Civfanantics was able to open up the games in-game auto...
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