
  1. s0nny80y

    [Story] ARC, Apollo, Massive

  2. Kyriakos

    About hot characters in computer games :)

    I am following some other thread, in some forum you likely don't know even exists, and currently we are discussing the use of pleasant to look at female and male characters in computer games... So Jane Jensen's blog was mentioned (she is the creator of the Gabriel Knight series), and here is a...
  3. s0nny80y

    List of missions to the Moon (wikipedia)

    I found the following information worth sharing; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_to_the_Moon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_artificial_objects_on_the_Moon#/media/File:Moon_map_grid_showing_artificial_objects_on_moon.PNG
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