artificial intelligence

  1. C

    C-evo: New Horizons

    C-evo: New Horizons is a turn-based empire building strategy game inspired by Civilization II game. It is a fork and Lazarus/FPC port of the original C-evo game which can be found at It is a free & open source game (FOSS). The source code is available with public domain license...
  2. C

    Some questions regarding AI decision-making

    Before I list several questions that interest me, I'd like to spend a minute to describe how awe-struck I am by the AI's effectiveness in this mod. Before I proceed, please note that I play on Prince and Monarch difficulties with the "AI plays to win" setting ON. After playing Civ6 for the last...
  3. S

    v95 Eastern Rome

    AI issue, and should there be a penalty for owning a city under attack at zero health? In my save file, a hopeless situation save AI confusion. Atilla should attack with their battering ram here. It has stayed put 2 turns while their archers reduced the city under attack to 0. I should have...
  4. R

    Recommended Mods/AI Improvements/Other Q's

    Probably redundant questions, but want to ask them in a different way and get answers for the (current year). Are there other mods than C3X that can be run to improve a vanilla or custom scenario for Conquests that can also be run in conjunction with C3X? I have been using C3X for a while now...
  5. Meteor Man

    Using chatGPT to mod Civ3

    chatGPT can be used to assist the creation of new Civilization 3 mods. It's capabilities are not just limited to known coding languages, but all code. Below is a transcript of a conversation I had with chatGPT. My messages are in bold italics. as you can see, it only took a little prodding to...
  6. Djospe

    Civ 7 - Less, less, less

    Dear Civ players, This is my first post ever on civfanatics, although I have been playing the series extensively since Civ 3 and although I'm a relativity good player (I beat deity in most games I play). I had to post this idea because I think that it could vastly improve the Civ gaming...
  7. S

    AI+ v13.1

    Update: Now compatible with Rise & Fall Hi, this mod will be an ongoing project that attempts to make the Civ VI AI more competitive. During this project I'll try to maintain the following points as a design philosophy: - Stick entirely to changes that only impact the AI without impacting the...
  8. bcaiko

    Flaw in Passing on a Great Person

    Folks - I seem to have run into a flaw in the competition for Great People. Even in the largest maps on the medium-high levels, if you pass on a Great'll never get another one. The AI isn't meaningfully competing for the Great People in my experience, so you'll sit waiting for a...
  9. bcaiko

    Expand or DIE - Concept Unknown to AIs

    Folks - I've played multiple games now, and the AI seems to fully misunderstand that a strong military and early expansion is in their best interest. Most AIs I've met have kept to 3-4 cities - well under the suggested 6-7. I think the universal consensus on these forums is more cities is...
  10. bcaiko

    Stop Asking for Gifts, Deadbeat AIs!

    So it used to be in CIv5 that occasionally your ally would ask for a gift. In Civ6, the dynamic has shifted: anyone you've ticked off or beaten the crap out of will ask for "gift" style trade deals CONSTANTLY. These aren't demands - none of these AIs could possibly back up any kind of demand...
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