
  1. inquisitive_otter

    [GS] Australia, trying science victory ASAP

    Greetings civfanatics! So I am changing things up a little bit with this newest play-through of civilization 6. I am trying out a faster pace (standard speed) and trying to have more focused episodes, constructive feedback is welcome! For this series, I wanted to try see how fast that I could...
  2. vaporclasp

    Kangaroo Mod

    As soon as John Curtin announced for Civ VI I was overjoyed. Finally kangaroos were going to be added to Civ VI. To the disappointment of Civ fans everywere, there were no kangaroos added to Civ VI. I am still hopeful that they will add them in time, but until that time I am looking for someone...
  3. inquisitive_otter

    [GS] VidLP - Deity Australia, epic speed

    Greetings CivFanatics! For this play-through, I decided on playing Australia. This is primarily because of the Land Down Under ability where campuses, commercial hubs, holy sights, and theater square districts get a bonus based on the appeal of the tile where they were founded. I believe that...
  4. Ileices

    [GS] Australia's Mediterranean Sea- I need help making my map compatible

    For some reason when i created the map (standard ruleset) it just says not compatible. i can upload for civ 5 but civ 6 is doing this to me. I dont know how to make it compatible with GS but I would at least like to get it working with vanilla. if anyone can help i would appreciate it im in...
  5. n00buk

    [R&F] Let’s play Civilization VI: Rise and Fall. Australia, deity

    After a couple of games of Civ 5 I come back to Civ 6 with great expectations due to the CQUI mod being up to date for the latest version. Let's see if John Curtin can stand the test of time? Full playlist available on YouTube. Game options Ruleset: Rise and Fall Game difficulty: Deity Game...
  6. Aspyr_Lucy

    The Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack is now available for Civilization VI iPad.

    Like all DLC packs, this requires the full, unlocked game Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on iOS in order to play, which is currently on sale for 50% off in the App Store. Civilization VI is regularly priced $59.99. Get it while it’s hot! What’s in the DLC? John Curtin leads Australia in Sid...
  7. nzcamel

    Australia...? Or House Atreides?

    I'm wondering what the Aussies here think re Australia's new colours? @bite @Ferocitus etc etc (invite the others lol) I think the old colours were better for Australia. Here I just see House Atreides from Dune :confused:
  8. Eric Lindvall

    [LP] Civilization VI - John Curtin Austrailian Empire

    Me Tvattbjorn79 playing the game Civilization VI. This a fall of 2017 Civilization Pack! I am not a pro player just playing for fun. I comment on the game and other stuff. It´s not a how to guide! Se how I try to guide the Australian Empire on a quest to be the greatest nation of them al. This...
  9. Veneke

    [VidLP] Australia on a TSL Earth map [Australian Summer Patch] - Finished

    A new series as Australia (Immortal difficulty) on the default TSL Earth map. In a somewhat unexpected development we start on the island-continent of Australia...
  10. B Australia +3 Housing on coast Bug

    When playing as Australia I founded a city on the coast AND next to a lake. The city only had 5 housing, meaning that it either got +3 from the fresh water OR +3 from the coast, instead of both. With a city that was on the coast and on a river I got the correct amount of +6 housing (total of 8)...
  11. NycholusV

    NV's Australia - Robert Menzies, Gough Whitlam and Tony Abbott 1.0

    Installation instructions and more info: I've been wanting to try out creating a mod using Civilization VI's new concept of having multiple leaders for the same civ. So I decided to expand upon my first mod, Australia led by Robert Menzies, and add...
  12. NycholusV

    Australia - Robert Menzies 1

    This is the first custom civ that I have created, which I have been working on pretty much since Civ 6 was released. I do intend to create more custom civs in the future, so your feedback is appreciated. I will certainly be updating this mod if there are problems (I have left the historical...
  13. Olde Sydney Town

    Olde Sydney Town

    Sydney, the first European permanent colony of Australia.
  14. Connecting Australia

    Connecting Australia

    A global shot of the Jarijari picture, without the placement of the town, the established Eastern side would have no connection to the newly colonised Western country.
  15. What Happened This Month...

    What Happened This Month...

    ...the small town of Jarijari expands outwards and connects the new Western colonies to the Eastern establishment. A screenshot of PiMan's about to be updated Australian mod for Colonization, I timed the shot to be this month's date and looked for a major event to post.
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