
  1. M

    [BNW] Removing Nukes (Unresolved)

    Hey all, I'm looking to achieve the following things through XML: 1) (easy) Change the "Jeans" dialogue/screen. I can't for the life of me find the localization/tag for it. Done! 2) (harder) I want to delete Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missile, Bomb Shelters, and the Manhattan Project. As in...
  2. Vuldacon

    Mustard Gas Bomb 2017-12-17

    This remade Mustard Gas Bomb Unit has flcs, sounds, images and comes with a ReadMe file. Ready to place in your Game. The ReadMe File has Recommended Settings. Intended as an Immobile Unit that can be Transported and used from Transports. You can visit the Thread to see previews Here
  3. Bye Bye London

    Bye Bye London

    A necessary step for world domination
  4. da_bomb


    Poor Mr. Washington had just founded Houston and Los Angeles.
  5. Culture Bomb

    Culture Bomb

    An example of the culture bomb used in MP. My score rose 71 points!
  6. Nukes: Mushroom Cloud #1

    Nukes: Mushroom Cloud #1

    Mushroom clud rising above the city.
  7. Nukes: Mushroom Cloud #2

    Nukes: Mushroom Cloud #2

    Mushroom clud rising higher above the city.
  8. Nuke Explosion

    Nuke Explosion

    A Nuclear Bomb explosion
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