
  1. G

    Spitballing Ideas for a Hypothetical 4X Game of My Own Design

    As a player of multiple 4X/HGS (historical grand strategy games), I often find myself brainstorming/daydreaming about the features and/or mechanics I'd put into a game if I were in charge of developing one. I call it "Rise to Power." Some of it involves mixing and matching aspects of multiple...
  2. Hellenism Salesman

    [NFP] Ability Brainstorming/Civ attributes not designed with a historical civ in mind

    As the tile suggests, this thread is just for posting any and all ability, unique district, unique building, unique tile improvement, or unique unit ideas that you've had, but they don't have to be for a real-life civ. The difference between this and other threads is that you're not creating...
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